Type Alias $OpenApiTs

$OpenApiTs: {
    /apps/hub/get/{id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                id: number;
            res: {
                200: {
                    app: {
                        summary: string;
                        value: unknown;
    /apps/hub/list: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: {
                    apps?: {
                        app_id: number;
                        approved: boolean;
                        apps: string[];
                        id: number;
                        summary: string;
                        votes: number;
    /auth/login: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: Login;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /auth/logout: {
        post: {
            res: {
                200: string;
    /concurrency_groups/list: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: ConcurrencyGroup[];
    /concurrency_groups/prune/{concurrency_id}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                concurrencyId: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    /concurrency_groups/{id}/key: {
        get: {
            req: {
                id: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /configs/get/{name}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                name: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    /configs/list_worker_groups: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: {
                    config: unknown;
                    name: string;
    /configs/update/{name}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                name: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
        post: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                requestBody: unknown;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /ee_license: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: string;
    /embeddings/query_hub_scripts: {
        get: {
            req: {
                app?: string;
                kind?: string;
                limit?: number;
                text: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    app: string;
                    ask_id: number;
                    id: number;
                    kind: HubScriptKind;
                    score: number;
                    summary: string;
                    version_id: number;
    /flows/hub/get/{id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                id: number;
            res: {
                200: {
                    flow?: OpenFlow;
    /flows/hub/list: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: {
                    flows?: {
                        approved: boolean;
                        apps: string[];
                        flow_id: number;
                        id: number;
                        summary: string;
                        votes: number;
    /groups/adduser/{name}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                requestBody: {
                    email: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /groups/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    name: string;
                    summary?: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /groups/delete/{name}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                name: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /groups/get/{name}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                name: string;
            res: {
                200: InstanceGroup;
    /groups/list: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: InstanceGroup[];
    /groups/removeuser/{name}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                requestBody: {
                    email: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /groups/update/{name}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                requestBody: {
                    new_summary: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /integrations/hub/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                kind?: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    name: string;
    /jobs/db_clock: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: number;
    /oauth/connect_callback/{client_name}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                clientName: string;
                requestBody: {
                    code: string;
                    state: string;
            res: {
                200: TokenResponse;
    /oauth/get_connect/{client}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                client: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    extra_params?: {
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    scopes?: string[];
    /oauth/list_connects: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: string[];
    /oauth/list_logins: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: {
                    oauth: string[];
                    saml?: string;
    /oauth/login_callback/{client_name}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                clientName: string;
                requestBody: {
                    code?: string;
                    state?: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /openapi.yaml: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: string;
    /saml/test_metadata: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /schedules/preview: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    schedule: string;
                    timezone: string;
            res: {
                200: string[];
    /scripts/hub/get/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /scripts/hub/get_full/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    content: string;
                    language: string;
                    lockfile?: string;
                    schema?: unknown;
                    summary?: string;
    /scripts/hub/top: {
        get: {
            req: {
                app?: string;
                kind?: string;
                limit?: number;
            res: {
                200: {
                    asks?: {
                        app: string;
                        ask_id: number;
                        id: number;
                        kind: HubScriptKind;
                        summary: string;
                        version_id: number;
                        views: number;
                        votes: number;
    /scripts_u/tokened_raw/{workspace}/{token}/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                token: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /settings/global/{key}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                key: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
        post: {
            req: {
                key: string;
                requestBody: {
                    value?: unknown;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /settings/latest_key_renewal_attempt: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: {
                    attempted_at: string;
                    result: string;
                } | null;
    /settings/local: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    /settings/renew_license_key: {
        post: {
            res: {
                200: string;
    /settings/send_stats: {
        post: {
            res: {
                200: string;
    /settings/test_license_key: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    license_key: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /settings/test_object_storage_config: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    [key: string]: unknown;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /settings/test_smtp: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    smtp: {
                        from: string;
                        host: string;
                        password: string;
                        port: number;
                        tls_implicit: boolean;
                        username: string;
                    to: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /uptodate: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: string;
    /users/accept_invite: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    username?: string;
                    workspace_id: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /users/all_runnables: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: {
                    description?: string;
                    endpoint_async: string;
                    endpoint_openai_sync: string;
                    endpoint_sync: string;
                    kind: string;
                    summary: string;
                    workspace: string;
    /users/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    company?: string;
                    email: string;
                    name?: string;
                    password: string;
                    super_admin: boolean;
            res: {
                201: string;
    /users/decline_invite: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    workspace_id: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /users/delete/{email}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                email: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /users/email: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: string;
    /users/exists/{email}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                email: string;
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    /users/leave_instance: {
        post: {
            res: {
                200: string;
    /users/list_as_super_admin: {
        get: {
            req: {
                page?: number;
                perPage?: number;
            res: {
                200: GlobalUserInfo[];
    /users/list_invites: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: WorkspaceInvite[];
    /users/refresh_token: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: string;
    /users/rename/{email}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                email: string;
                requestBody: {
                    new_username: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /users/setpassword: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    password: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /users/tokens/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: NewToken;
            res: {
                201: string;
    /users/tokens/delete/{token_prefix}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                tokenPrefix: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /users/tokens/impersonate: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: NewTokenImpersonate;
            res: {
                201: string;
    /users/tokens/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                excludeEphemeral?: boolean;
            res: {
                200: TruncatedToken[];
    /users/tutorial_progress: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: {
                    progress?: number;
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    progress?: number;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /users/update/{email}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                email: string;
                requestBody: {
                    is_super_admin?: boolean;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /users/usage: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: number;
    /users/username_info/{email}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                email: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    username: string;
                    workspace_usernames: {
                        username: string;
                        workspace_id: string;
    /users/whoami: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: GlobalUserInfo;
    /version: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/acls/add/{kind}/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                    | "script"
                    | "group_"
                    | "resource"
                    | "schedule"
                    | "variable"
                    | "flow"
                    | "folder"
                    | "app"
                    | "raw_app";
                path: string;
                requestBody: {
                    owner: string;
                    write?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/acls/get/{kind}/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                    | "script"
                    | "group_"
                    | "resource"
                    | "schedule"
                    | "variable"
                    | "flow"
                    | "folder"
                    | "app"
                    | "raw_app";
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    [key: string]: boolean;
    /w/{workspace}/acls/remove/{kind}/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                    | "script"
                    | "group_"
                    | "resource"
                    | "schedule"
                    | "variable"
                    | "flow"
                    | "folder"
                    | "app"
                    | "raw_app";
                path: string;
                requestBody: {
                    owner: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/apps/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    deployment_message?: string;
                    draft_only?: boolean;
                    path: string;
                    policy: Policy;
                    summary: string;
                    value: unknown;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    /w/{workspace}/apps/delete/{path}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/apps/exists/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    /w/{workspace}/apps/get/draft/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: AppWithLastVersionWDraft;
    /w/{workspace}/apps/get/p/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: AppWithLastVersion;
    /w/{workspace}/apps/get/v/{id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                id: number;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: AppWithLastVersion;
    /w/{workspace}/apps/get_data/{version}/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                version: number;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/apps/history/p/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: AppHistory[];
    /w/{workspace}/apps/history_update/a/{id}/v/{version}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                id: number;
                requestBody: {
                    deployment_msg?: string;
                version: number;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/apps/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                createdBy?: string;
                orderDesc?: boolean;
                page?: number;
                pathExact?: string;
                pathStart?: string;
                perPage?: number;
                starredOnly?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: ListableApp[];
    /w/{workspace}/apps/list_search: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    path: string;
                    value: unknown;
    /w/{workspace}/apps/secret_of/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/apps/update/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                requestBody: {
                    deployment_message?: string;
                    path?: string;
                    policy?: Policy;
                    summary?: string;
                    value?: unknown;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/apps_u/execute_component/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                requestBody: {
                    args: unknown;
                    component: string;
                    force_viewer_allow_user_resources?: string[];
                    force_viewer_one_of_fields?: {
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    force_viewer_static_fields?: {
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    path?: string;
                    raw_code?: {
                        cache_ttl?: number;
                        content: string;
                        language: string;
                        lock?: string;
                        path?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/apps_u/public_app/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: AppWithLastVersion;
    /w/{workspace}/apps_u/public_resource/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    /w/{workspace}/audit/get/{id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                id: number;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: AuditLog;
    /w/{workspace}/audit/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                    | "Create"
                    | "Update"
                    | "Delete"
                    | "Execute";
                after?: string;
                before?: string;
                operation?: string;
                page?: number;
                perPage?: number;
                resource?: string;
                username?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: AuditLog[];
    /w/{workspace}/capture/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
                404: unknown;
        put: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: unknown;
    /w/{workspace}/capture_u/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                204: void;
    /w/{workspace}/concurrency_groups/list_jobs: {
        get: {
            req: {
                allWorkspaces?: boolean;
                args?: string;
                concurrencyKey?: string;
                createdBy?: string;
                createdOrStartedAfter?: string;
                createdOrStartedBefore?: string;
                hasNullParent?: boolean;
                isFlowStep?: boolean;
                isNotSchedule?: boolean;
                isSkipped?: boolean;
                jobKinds?: string;
                label?: string;
                page?: number;
                parentJob?: string;
                perPage?: number;
                result?: string;
                rowLimit?: number;
                running?: boolean;
                schedulePath?: string;
                scheduledForBeforeNow?: boolean;
                scriptHash?: string;
                scriptPathExact?: string;
                scriptPathStart?: string;
                startedAfter?: string;
                startedBefore?: string;
                success?: boolean;
                tag?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: ExtendedJobs;
    /w/{workspace}/drafts/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    path: string;
                    typ: "flow" | "script" | "app";
                    value?: unknown;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    /w/{workspace}/drafts/delete/{kind}/{path}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                kind: "script" | "flow" | "app";
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/embeddings/query_resource_types: {
        get: {
            req: {
                limit?: number;
                text: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    name: string;
                    schema?: unknown;
                    score: number;
    /w/{workspace}/favorites/star: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody?: {
                        | "flow"
                        | "app"
                        | "script"
                        | "raw_app";
                    path?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    /w/{workspace}/favorites/unstar: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody?: {
                        | "flow"
                        | "app"
                        | "script"
                        | "raw_app";
                    path?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    /w/{workspace}/flows/archive/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                requestBody: {
                    archived?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/flows/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: OpenFlowWPath & {
                    deployment_message?: string;
                    draft_only?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    /w/{workspace}/flows/delete/{path}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/flows/exists/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    /w/{workspace}/flows/get/draft/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Flow & {
                    draft?: Flow;
    /w/{workspace}/flows/get/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Flow;
    /w/{workspace}/flows/input_history/p/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                page?: number;
                path: string;
                perPage?: number;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Input[];
    /w/{workspace}/flows/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                createdBy?: string;
                orderDesc?: boolean;
                page?: number;
                pathExact?: string;
                pathStart?: string;
                perPage?: number;
                showArchived?: boolean;
                starredOnly?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: (Flow & {
                    draft_only?: boolean;
                    has_draft?: boolean;
    /w/{workspace}/flows/list_paths: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string[];
    /w/{workspace}/flows/list_search: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    path: string;
                    value: unknown;
    /w/{workspace}/flows/toggle_workspace_error_handler/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                requestBody: {
                    muted?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/flows/update/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                requestBody: OpenFlowWPath & {
                    deployment_message?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/folders/addowner/{name}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                requestBody: {
                    owner: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/folders/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    extra_perms?: unknown;
                    name: string;
                    owners?: string[];
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/folders/delete/{name}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/folders/get/{name}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Folder;
    /w/{workspace}/folders/getusage/{name}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    apps: number;
                    flows: number;
                    resources: number;
                    schedules: number;
                    scripts: number;
                    variables: number;
    /w/{workspace}/folders/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                page?: number;
                perPage?: number;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Folder[];
    /w/{workspace}/folders/listnames: {
        get: {
            req: {
                onlyMemberOf?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string[];
    /w/{workspace}/folders/removeowner/{name}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                requestBody: {
                    owner: string;
                    write?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/folders/update/{name}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                requestBody: {
                    extra_perms?: unknown;
                    owners?: string[];
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/groups/adduser/{name}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                requestBody: {
                    username?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/groups/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    name: string;
                    summary?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/groups/delete/{name}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/groups/get/{name}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Group;
    /w/{workspace}/groups/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                page?: number;
                perPage?: number;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Group[];
    /w/{workspace}/groups/listnames: {
        get: {
            req: {
                onlyMemberOf?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string[];
    /w/{workspace}/groups/removeuser/{name}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                requestBody: {
                    username?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/groups/update/{name}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                requestBody: {
                    summary?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/inputs/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: CreateInput;
                runnableId?: string;
                runnableType?: RunnableType;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    /w/{workspace}/inputs/delete/{input}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                input: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/inputs/history: {
        get: {
            req: {
                page?: number;
                perPage?: number;
                runnableId?: string;
                runnableType?: RunnableType;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Input[];
    /w/{workspace}/inputs/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                page?: number;
                perPage?: number;
                runnableId?: string;
                runnableType?: RunnableType;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Input[];
    /w/{workspace}/inputs/update: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: UpdateInput;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    /w/{workspace}/inputs/{jobOrInputId}/args: {
        get: {
            req: {
                jobOrInputId: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/delete_s3_file: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                fileKey: string;
                storage?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/download_s3_file: {
        get: {
            req: {
                fileKey: string;
                resourceType?: string;
                s3ResourcePath?: string;
                storage?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Blob | File;
    /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/download_s3_parquet_file_as_csv: {
        get: {
            req: {
                fileKey: string;
                resourceType?: string;
                s3ResourcePath?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/duckdb_connection_settings: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    s3_resource?: S3Resource;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    connection_settings_str?: string;
    /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/list_stored_files: {
        get: {
            req: {
                marker?: string;
                maxKeys: number;
                prefix?: string;
                storage?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    next_marker?: string;
                    restricted_access?: boolean;
                    windmill_large_files: WindmillLargeFile[];
    /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/load_csv_preview/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                limit?: number;
                offset?: number;
                path: string;
                searchCol?: string;
                searchTerm?: string;
                sortCol?: string;
                sortDesc?: boolean;
                storage?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/load_file_metadata: {
        get: {
            req: {
                fileKey: string;
                storage?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: WindmillFileMetadata;
    /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/load_file_preview: {
        get: {
            req: {
                csvHasHeader?: boolean;
                csvSeparator?: string;
                fileKey: string;
                fileMimeType?: string;
                fileSizeInBytes?: number;
                readBytesFrom?: number;
                readBytesLength?: number;
                storage?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: WindmillFilePreview;
    /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/load_parquet_preview/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                limit?: number;
                offset?: number;
                path: string;
                searchCol?: string;
                searchTerm?: string;
                sortCol?: string;
                sortDesc?: boolean;
                storage?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/move_s3_file: {
        get: {
            req: {
                destFileKey: string;
                srcFileKey: string;
                storage?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/polars_connection_settings: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    s3_resource?: S3Resource;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    cache_regions: boolean;
                    client_kwargs: PolarsClientKwargs;
                    endpoint_url: string;
                    key?: string;
                    secret?: string;
                    use_ssl: boolean;
    /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/test_connection: {
        get: {
            req: {
                storage?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/upload_s3_file: {
        post: {
            req: {
                fileExtension?: string;
                fileKey?: string;
                requestBody: Blob | File;
                resourceType?: string;
                s3ResourcePath?: string;
                storage?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    file_key: string;
    /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/v2/duckdb_connection_settings: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    s3_resource_path?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    connection_settings_str: string;
    /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/v2/polars_connection_settings: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    s3_resource_path?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    s3fs_args: {
                        cache_regions: boolean;
                        client_kwargs: PolarsClientKwargs;
                        endpoint_url: string;
                        key?: string;
                        secret?: string;
                        use_ssl: boolean;
                    storage_options: {
                        aws_access_key_id?: string;
                        aws_allow_http: string;
                        aws_endpoint_url: string;
                        aws_region: string;
                        aws_secret_access_key?: string;
    /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/v2/s3_resource_info: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    s3_resource_path?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: S3Resource;
    /w/{workspace}/job_metrics/get/{id}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                id: string;
                requestBody: {
                    from_timestamp?: string;
                    timeseries_max_datapoints?: number;
                    to_timestamp?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    metrics_metadata?: MetricMetadata[];
                    scalar_metrics?: ScalarMetric[];
                    timeseries_metrics?: TimeseriesMetric[];
    /w/{workspace}/jobs/completed/count: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    database_length: number;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs/completed/delete/{id}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                id: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: CompletedJob;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs/completed/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                args?: string;
                createdBy?: string;
                hasNullParent?: boolean;
                isFlowStep?: boolean;
                isNotSchedule?: boolean;
                isSkipped?: boolean;
                jobKinds?: string;
                label?: string;
                orderDesc?: boolean;
                page?: number;
                parentJob?: string;
                perPage?: number;
                result?: string;
                schedulePath?: string;
                scriptHash?: string;
                scriptPathExact?: string;
                scriptPathStart?: string;
                startedAfter?: string;
                startedBefore?: string;
                success?: boolean;
                tag?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: CompletedJob[];
    /w/{workspace}/jobs/flow/resume/{id}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                id: string;
                requestBody: {
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs/flow/user_states/{id}/{key}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                id: string;
                key: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
        post: {
            req: {
                id: string;
                key: string;
                requestBody: unknown;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs/job_signature/{id}/{resume_id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                approver?: string;
                id: string;
                resumeId: number;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                allWorkspaces?: boolean;
                args?: string;
                createdBy?: string;
                createdOrStartedAfter?: string;
                createdOrStartedBefore?: string;
                hasNullParent?: boolean;
                isFlowStep?: boolean;
                isNotSchedule?: boolean;
                isSkipped?: boolean;
                jobKinds?: string;
                label?: string;
                page?: number;
                parentJob?: string;
                perPage?: number;
                result?: string;
                running?: boolean;
                schedulePath?: string;
                scheduledForBeforeNow?: boolean;
                scriptHash?: string;
                scriptPathExact?: string;
                scriptPathStart?: string;
                startedAfter?: string;
                startedBefore?: string;
                success?: boolean;
                tag?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Job[];
    /w/{workspace}/jobs/openai_sync/f/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                includeHeader?: string;
                jobId?: string;
                path: string;
                queueLimit?: string;
                requestBody: ScriptArgs;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs/openai_sync/p/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                includeHeader?: string;
                jobId?: string;
                parentJob?: string;
                path: string;
                queueLimit?: string;
                requestBody: ScriptArgs;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs/queue/cancel_all: {
        post: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string[];
    /w/{workspace}/jobs/queue/count: {
        get: {
            req: {
                allWorkspaces?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    database_length: number;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs/queue/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                allWorkspaces?: boolean;
                args?: string;
                createdBy?: string;
                isNotSchedule?: boolean;
                jobKinds?: string;
                orderDesc?: boolean;
                page?: number;
                parentJob?: string;
                perPage?: number;
                result?: string;
                running?: boolean;
                schedulePath?: string;
                scheduledForBeforeNow?: boolean;
                scriptHash?: string;
                scriptPathExact?: string;
                scriptPathStart?: string;
                startedAfter?: string;
                startedBefore?: string;
                success?: boolean;
                suspended?: boolean;
                tag?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: QueuedJob[];
    /w/{workspace}/jobs/restart/f/{id}/from/{step_id}/{branch_or_iteration_n}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                branchOrIterationN: number;
                id: string;
                includeHeader?: string;
                invisibleToOwner?: boolean;
                jobId?: string;
                parentJob?: string;
                requestBody: ScriptArgs;
                scheduledFor?: string;
                scheduledInSecs?: number;
                stepId: string;
                tag?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs/result_by_id/{flow_job_id}/{node_id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                flowJobId: string;
                nodeId: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs/resume_urls/{id}/{resume_id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                approver?: string;
                id: string;
                resumeId: number;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    approvalPage: string;
                    cancel: string;
                    resume: string;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs/run/dependencies: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    entrypoint: string;
                    raw_scripts: RawScriptForDependencies[];
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: {
                    lock: string;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs/run/f/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                includeHeader?: string;
                invisibleToOwner?: boolean;
                jobId?: string;
                parentJob?: string;
                path: string;
                requestBody: ScriptArgs;
                scheduledFor?: string;
                scheduledInSecs?: number;
                tag?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs/run/h/{hash}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                cacheTtl?: string;
                hash: string;
                includeHeader?: string;
                invisibleToOwner?: boolean;
                jobId?: string;
                parentJob?: string;
                requestBody: {
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                scheduledFor?: string;
                scheduledInSecs?: number;
                tag?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs/run/p/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                cacheTtl?: string;
                invisibleToOwner?: boolean;
                jobId?: string;
                parentJob?: string;
                path: string;
                requestBody: ScriptArgs;
                scheduledFor?: string;
                scheduledInSecs?: number;
                tag?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs/run/preview: {
        post: {
            req: {
                includeHeader?: string;
                invisibleToOwner?: boolean;
                jobId?: string;
                requestBody: Preview;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs/run/preview_flow: {
        post: {
            req: {
                includeHeader?: string;
                invisibleToOwner?: boolean;
                jobId?: string;
                requestBody: FlowPreview;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs/run_wait_result/f/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                includeHeader?: string;
                jobId?: string;
                path: string;
                queueLimit?: string;
                requestBody: ScriptArgs;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs/run_wait_result/p/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                cacheTtl?: string;
                includeHeader?: string;
                jobId?: string;
                parentJob?: string;
                path: string;
                payload?: string;
                queueLimit?: string;
                tag?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
        post: {
            req: {
                cacheTtl?: string;
                includeHeader?: string;
                jobId?: string;
                parentJob?: string;
                path: string;
                queueLimit?: string;
                requestBody: ScriptArgs;
                tag?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs/workflow_as_code/{job_id}/{entrypoint}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                entrypoint: string;
                jobId: string;
                requestBody: WorkflowTask;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/cancel/{id}/{resume_id}/{signature}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                approver?: string;
                id: string;
                resumeId: number;
                signature: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
        post: {
            req: {
                approver?: string;
                id: string;
                requestBody: {
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                resumeId: number;
                signature: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/completed/get/{id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                id: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: CompletedJob;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/completed/get_result/{id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                id: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/completed/get_result_maybe/{id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                getStarted?: boolean;
                id: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    completed: boolean;
                    result: unknown;
                    started?: boolean;
                    success?: boolean;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/get/{id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                id: string;
                noLogs?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Job;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/get_flow/{id}/{resume_id}/{signature}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                approver?: string;
                id: string;
                resumeId: number;
                signature: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    approvers: {
                        approver: string;
                        resume_id: number;
                    job: Job;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/get_flow_debug_info/{id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                id: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/get_log_file/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/get_logs/{id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                id: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/get_root_job_id/{id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                id: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/getupdate/{id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                id: string;
                logOffset?: number;
                running?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    completed?: boolean;
                    flow_status?: WorkflowStatusRecord;
                    log_offset?: number;
                    mem_peak?: number;
                    new_logs?: string;
                    running?: boolean;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/queue/cancel/{id}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                id: string;
                requestBody: {
                    reason?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/queue/cancel_persistent/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                requestBody: {
                    reason?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/queue/force_cancel/{id}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                id: string;
                requestBody: {
                    reason?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/resume/{id}/{resume_id}/{signature}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                approver?: string;
                id: string;
                payload?: string;
                resumeId: number;
                signature: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
        post: {
            req: {
                approver?: string;
                id: string;
                requestBody: {
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                resumeId: number;
                signature: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    /w/{workspace}/oauth/connect_slack_callback: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    code: string;
                    state: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/oauth/create_account: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    client: string;
                    expires_in: number;
                    refresh_token?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/oauth/disconnect/{id}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                id: number;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/oauth/disconnect_slack: {
        post: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/oauth/refresh_token/{id}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                id: number;
                requestBody: {
                    path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/oidc/token/{audience}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                audience: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/raw_apps/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    path: string;
                    summary: string;
                    value: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    /w/{workspace}/raw_apps/delete/{path}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/raw_apps/exists/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    /w/{workspace}/raw_apps/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                createdBy?: string;
                orderDesc?: boolean;
                page?: number;
                pathExact?: string;
                pathStart?: string;
                perPage?: number;
                starredOnly?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: ListableRawApp[];
    /w/{workspace}/raw_apps/update/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                requestBody: {
                    path?: string;
                    summary?: string;
                    value?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/resources/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: CreateResource;
                updateIfExists?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    /w/{workspace}/resources/delete/{path}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/resources/exists/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    /w/{workspace}/resources/get/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Resource;
    /w/{workspace}/resources/get_value/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    /w/{workspace}/resources/get_value_interpolated/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                jobId?: string;
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    /w/{workspace}/resources/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                page?: number;
                perPage?: number;
                resourceType?: string;
                resourceTypeExclude?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: ListableResource[];
    /w/{workspace}/resources/list_names/{name}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    name: string;
                    path: string;
    /w/{workspace}/resources/list_search: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    path: string;
                    value: unknown;
    /w/{workspace}/resources/type/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: ResourceType;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    /w/{workspace}/resources/type/delete/{path}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/resources/type/exists/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    /w/{workspace}/resources/type/get/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: ResourceType;
    /w/{workspace}/resources/type/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: ResourceType[];
    /w/{workspace}/resources/type/listnames: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string[];
    /w/{workspace}/resources/type/update/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                requestBody: EditResourceType;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/resources/update/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                requestBody: EditResource;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/resources/update_value/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                requestBody: {
                    value?: unknown;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/schedules/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: NewSchedule;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    /w/{workspace}/schedules/delete/{path}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/schedules/exists/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    /w/{workspace}/schedules/get/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Schedule;
    /w/{workspace}/schedules/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                args?: string;
                isFlow?: boolean;
                page?: number;
                path?: string;
                perPage?: number;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Schedule[];
    /w/{workspace}/schedules/list_with_jobs: {
        get: {
            req: {
                page?: number;
                perPage?: number;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: ScheduleWJobs[];
    /w/{workspace}/schedules/setdefaulthandler: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    extra_args?: {
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    handler_type: "error" | "recovery";
                    number_of_occurence?: number;
                    number_of_occurence_exact?: boolean;
                    override_existing: boolean;
                    path?: string;
                    workspace_handler_muted?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: unknown;
    /w/{workspace}/schedules/setenabled/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                requestBody: {
                    enabled: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/schedules/update/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                requestBody: EditSchedule;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/scripts/archive/h/{hash}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                hash: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Script;
    /w/{workspace}/scripts/archive/p/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/scripts/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: NewScript;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    /w/{workspace}/scripts/delete/h/{hash}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                hash: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Script;
    /w/{workspace}/scripts/delete/p/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/scripts/deployment_status/h/{hash}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                hash: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    lock?: string;
                    lock_error_logs?: string;
    /w/{workspace}/scripts/exists/p/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    /w/{workspace}/scripts/get/draft/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: NewScriptWithDraft;
    /w/{workspace}/scripts/get/h/{hash}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                hash: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Script;
    /w/{workspace}/scripts/get/p/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Script;
    /w/{workspace}/scripts/history/p/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: ScriptHistory[];
    /w/{workspace}/scripts/history_update/h/{hash}/p/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                hash: string;
                path: string;
                requestBody: {
                    deployment_msg?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/scripts/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                createdBy?: string;
                firstParentHash?: string;
                hideWithoutMain?: boolean;
                isTemplate?: boolean;
                kinds?: string;
                lastParentHash?: string;
                orderDesc?: boolean;
                page?: number;
                parentHash?: string;
                pathExact?: string;
                pathStart?: string;
                perPage?: number;
                showArchived?: boolean;
                starredOnly?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Script[];
    /w/{workspace}/scripts/list_paths: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string[];
    /w/{workspace}/scripts/list_search: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    content: string;
                    path: string;
    /w/{workspace}/scripts/raw/h/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/scripts/raw/p/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/scripts/toggle_workspace_error_handler/p/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                requestBody: {
                    muted?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/users/delete/{username}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                username: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/users/is_owner/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    /w/{workspace}/users/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: User[];
    /w/{workspace}/users/list_usage: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: UserUsage[];
    /w/{workspace}/users/list_usernames: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string[];
    /w/{workspace}/users/update/{username}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: EditWorkspaceUser;
                username: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/users/username_to_email/{username}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                username: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/users/whoami: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: User;
    /w/{workspace}/users/whois/{username}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                username: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: User;
    /w/{workspace}/users/{username}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                username: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: User;
    /w/{workspace}/variables/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                alreadyEncrypted?: boolean;
                requestBody: CreateVariable;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    /w/{workspace}/variables/delete/{path}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/variables/encrypt: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/variables/exists/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    /w/{workspace}/variables/get/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                decryptSecret?: boolean;
                includeEncrypted?: boolean;
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: ListableVariable;
    /w/{workspace}/variables/get_value/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/variables/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: ListableVariable[];
    /w/{workspace}/variables/list_contextual: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: ContextualVariable[];
    /w/{workspace}/variables/update/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                alreadyEncrypted?: boolean;
                path: string;
                requestBody: EditVariable;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/add_user: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    email: string;
                    is_admin: boolean;
                    operator: boolean;
                    username?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/archive: {
        post: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/change_workspace_id: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody?: {
                    new_id?: string;
                    new_name?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/change_workspace_name: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody?: {
                    new_name?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/default_app: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    default_app_path?: string;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/default_scripts: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: WorkspaceDefaultScripts;
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody?: WorkspaceDefaultScripts;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/delete_invite: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    email: string;
                    is_admin: boolean;
                    operator: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/edit_auto_invite: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    auto_add?: boolean;
                    invite_all?: boolean;
                    operator?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/edit_copilot_config: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    code_completion_enabled: boolean;
                    openai_resource_path?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/edit_default_app: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    default_app_path?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/edit_deploy_to: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    deploy_to?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/edit_error_handler: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    error_handler?: string;
                    error_handler_extra_args?: ScriptArgs;
                    error_handler_muted_on_cancel?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/edit_git_sync_config: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    git_sync_settings?: WorkspaceGitSyncSettings;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/edit_large_file_storage_config: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    large_file_storage?: LargeFileStorage;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/edit_slack_command: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    slack_command_script?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/edit_webhook: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    webhook?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/encryption_key: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    key: string;
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    new_key: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/get_copilot_info: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    code_completion_enabled: boolean;
                    exists_openai_resource_path: boolean;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/get_deploy_to: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    deploy_to?: string;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/get_large_file_storage_config: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: LargeFileStorage;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/get_settings: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    auto_add?: boolean;
                    auto_invite_domain?: string;
                    auto_invite_operator?: boolean;
                    automatic_billing: boolean;
                    code_completion_enabled: boolean;
                    customer_id?: string;
                    default_app?: string;
                    default_scripts?: WorkspaceDefaultScripts;
                    deploy_to?: string;
                    error_handler?: string;
                    error_handler_extra_args?: ScriptArgs;
                    error_handler_muted_on_cancel: boolean;
                    git_sync?: WorkspaceGitSyncSettings;
                    large_file_storage?: LargeFileStorage;
                    openai_resource_path?: string;
                    plan?: string;
                    slack_command_script?: string;
                    slack_name?: string;
                    slack_team_id?: string;
                    webhook?: string;
                    workspace_id?: string;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/get_workspace_name: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/invite_user: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    email: string;
                    is_admin: boolean;
                    operator: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/is_premium: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/leave: {
        post: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/list_pending_invites: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: WorkspaceInvite[];
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/premium_info: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    automatic_billing: boolean;
                    premium: boolean;
                    seats?: number;
                    usage?: number;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/run_slack_message_test_job: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    channel?: string;
                    hub_script_path?: string;
                    test_msg?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    job_uuid?: string;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/set_automatic_billing: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    automatic_billing: boolean;
                    seats?: number;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/set_environment_variable: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    name: string;
                    value?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /w/{workspace}/workspaces/usage: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: number;
    /workers/custom_tags: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: string[];
    /workers/exists_worker_with_tag: {
        get: {
            req: {
                tag: string;
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    /workers/get_default_tags: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: string[];
    /workers/is_default_tags_per_workspace: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    /workers/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                page?: number;
                perPage?: number;
                pingSince?: number;
            res: {
                200: WorkerPing[];
    /workers/queue_metrics: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: {
                    id: string;
                    values: {
                        created_at: string;
                        value: number;
    /workspaces/allowed_domain_auto_invite: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    /workspaces/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: CreateWorkspace;
            res: {
                201: string;
    /workspaces/delete/{workspace}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /workspaces/exists: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    id: string;
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    /workspaces/exists_username: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    id: string;
                    username: string;
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    /workspaces/list: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: Workspace[];
    /workspaces/list_as_superadmin: {
        get: {
            req: {
                page?: number;
                perPage?: number;
            res: {
                200: Workspace[];
    /workspaces/unarchive/{workspace}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    /workspaces/users: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: UserWorkspaceList;

Type declaration

  • /apps/hub/get/{id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                id: number;
            res: {
                200: {
                    app: {
                        summary: string;
                        value: unknown;
    • get: {
          req: {
              id: number;
          res: {
              200: {
                  app: {
                      summary: string;
                      value: unknown;
      • req: {
            id: number;
        • id: number
      • res: {
            200: {
                app: {
                    summary: string;
                    value: unknown;
        • 200: {
              app: {
                  summary: string;
                  value: unknown;


          • app: {
                summary: string;
                value: unknown;
            • summary: string
            • value: unknown
  • /apps/hub/list: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: {
                    apps?: {
                        app_id: number;
                        approved: boolean;
                        apps: string[];
                        id: number;
                        summary: string;
                        votes: number;
    • get: {
          res: {
              200: {
                  apps?: {
                      app_id: number;
                      approved: boolean;
                      apps: string[];
                      id: number;
                      summary: string;
                      votes: number;
      • res: {
            200: {
                apps?: {
                    app_id: number;
                    approved: boolean;
                    apps: string[];
                    id: number;
                    summary: string;
                    votes: number;
        • 200: {
              apps?: {
                  app_id: number;
                  approved: boolean;
                  apps: string[];
                  id: number;
                  summary: string;
                  votes: number;

          hub apps list

          • Optionalapps?: {
                app_id: number;
                approved: boolean;
                apps: string[];
                id: number;
                summary: string;
                votes: number;
  • /auth/login: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: Login;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: Login;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: Login;
        • requestBody: Login


      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          Successfully authenticated. The session ID is returned in a cookie named token and as plaintext response. Preferred method of authorization is through the bearer token. The cookie is only for browser convenience.

  • /auth/logout: {
        post: {
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          res: {
              200: string;
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          clear cookies and clear token (if applicable)

  • /concurrency_groups/list: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: ConcurrencyGroup[];
  • /concurrency_groups/prune/{concurrency_id}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                concurrencyId: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    • delete: {
          req: {
              concurrencyId: string;
          res: {
              200: unknown;
      • req: {
            concurrencyId: string;
        • concurrencyId: string
      • res: {
            200: unknown;
        • 200: unknown

          concurrency group removed

  • /concurrency_groups/{id}/key: {
        get: {
            req: {
                id: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              id: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            id: string;
        • id: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          concurrency key for given job

  • /configs/get/{name}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                name: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    • get: {
          req: {
              name: string;
          res: {
              200: unknown;
      • req: {
            name: string;
        • name: string
      • res: {
            200: unknown;
        • 200: unknown

          a config

  • /configs/list_worker_groups: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: {
                    config: unknown;
                    name: string;
    • get: {
          res: {
              200: {
                  config: unknown;
                  name: string;
      • res: {
            200: {
                config: unknown;
                name: string;
        • 200: {
              config: unknown;
              name: string;

          a list of worker group configs

  • /configs/update/{name}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                name: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
        post: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                requestBody: unknown;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • delete: {
          req: {
              name: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            name: string;
        • name: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          Delete config

    • post: {
          req: {
              name: string;
              requestBody: unknown;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            name: string;
            requestBody: unknown;
        • name: string
        • requestBody: unknown

          worker group

      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          Update a worker group

  • /ee_license: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: string;
    • get: {
          res: {
              200: string;
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          get license id (empty if not ee)

  • /embeddings/query_hub_scripts: {
        get: {
            req: {
                app?: string;
                kind?: string;
                limit?: number;
                text: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    app: string;
                    ask_id: number;
                    id: number;
                    kind: HubScriptKind;
                    score: number;
                    summary: string;
                    version_id: number;
    • get: {
          req: {
              app?: string;
              kind?: string;
              limit?: number;
              text: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  app: string;
                  ask_id: number;
                  id: number;
                  kind: HubScriptKind;
                  score: number;
                  summary: string;
                  version_id: number;
      • req: {
            app?: string;
            kind?: string;
            limit?: number;
            text: string;
        • Optionalapp?: string

          query scripts app

        • Optionalkind?: string

          query scripts kind

        • Optionallimit?: number

          query limit

        • text: string

          query text

      • res: {
            200: {
                app: string;
                ask_id: number;
                id: number;
                kind: HubScriptKind;
                score: number;
                summary: string;
                version_id: number;
        • 200: {
              app: string;
              ask_id: number;
              id: number;
              kind: HubScriptKind;
              score: number;
              summary: string;
              version_id: number;

          script details

  • /flows/hub/get/{id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                id: number;
            res: {
                200: {
                    flow?: OpenFlow;
    • get: {
          req: {
              id: number;
          res: {
              200: {
                  flow?: OpenFlow;
      • req: {
            id: number;
        • id: number
      • res: {
            200: {
                flow?: OpenFlow;
  • /flows/hub/list: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: {
                    flows?: {
                        approved: boolean;
                        apps: string[];
                        flow_id: number;
                        id: number;
                        summary: string;
                        votes: number;
    • get: {
          res: {
              200: {
                  flows?: {
                      approved: boolean;
                      apps: string[];
                      flow_id: number;
                      id: number;
                      summary: string;
                      votes: number;
      • res: {
            200: {
                flows?: {
                    approved: boolean;
                    apps: string[];
                    flow_id: number;
                    id: number;
                    summary: string;
                    votes: number;
        • 200: {
              flows?: {
                  approved: boolean;
                  apps: string[];
                  flow_id: number;
                  id: number;
                  summary: string;
                  votes: number;

          hub flows list

          • Optionalflows?: {
                approved: boolean;
                apps: string[];
                flow_id: number;
                id: number;
                summary: string;
                votes: number;
  • /groups/adduser/{name}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                requestBody: {
                    email: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              name: string;
              requestBody: {
                  email: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            name: string;
            requestBody: {
                email: string;
        • name: string
        • requestBody: {
              email: string;

          user to add to instance group

          • email: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          user added to instance group

  • /groups/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    name: string;
                    summary?: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  name: string;
                  summary?: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                name: string;
                summary?: string;
        • requestBody: {
              name: string;
              summary?: string;

          create instance group

          • name: string
          • Optionalsummary?: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          instance group created

  • /groups/delete/{name}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                name: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • delete: {
          req: {
              name: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            name: string;
        • name: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          instance group deleted

  • /groups/get/{name}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                name: string;
            res: {
                200: InstanceGroup;
    • get: {
          req: {
              name: string;
          res: {
              200: InstanceGroup;
  • /groups/list: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: InstanceGroup[];
  • /groups/removeuser/{name}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                requestBody: {
                    email: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              name: string;
              requestBody: {
                  email: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            name: string;
            requestBody: {
                email: string;
        • name: string
        • requestBody: {
              email: string;

          user to remove from instance group

          • email: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          user removed from instance group

  • /groups/update/{name}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                requestBody: {
                    new_summary: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              name: string;
              requestBody: {
                  new_summary: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            name: string;
            requestBody: {
                new_summary: string;
        • name: string
        • requestBody: {
              new_summary: string;

          update instance group

          • new_summary: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          instance group updated

  • /integrations/hub/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                kind?: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    name: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              kind?: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  name: string;
      • req: {
            kind?: string;
        • Optionalkind?: string

          query integrations kind

      • res: {
            200: {
                name: string;
        • 200: {
              name: string;

          integrations details

  • /jobs/db_clock: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: number;
    • get: {
          res: {
              200: number;
      • res: {
            200: number;
        • 200: number

          the timestamp of the db that can be used to compute the drift

  • /oauth/connect_callback/{client_name}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                clientName: string;
                requestBody: {
                    code: string;
                    state: string;
            res: {
                200: TokenResponse;
    • post: {
          req: {
              clientName: string;
              requestBody: {
                  code: string;
                  state: string;
          res: {
              200: TokenResponse;
      • req: {
            clientName: string;
            requestBody: {
                code: string;
                state: string;
        • clientName: string
        • requestBody: {
              code: string;
              state: string;

          code endpoint

          • code: string
          • state: string
      • res: {
            200: TokenResponse;
  • /oauth/get_connect/{client}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                client: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    extra_params?: {
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    scopes?: string[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              client: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  extra_params?: {
                      [key: string]: unknown;
                  scopes?: string[];
      • req: {
            client: string;
        • client: string

          client name

      • res: {
            200: {
                extra_params?: {
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                scopes?: string[];
        • 200: {
              extra_params?: {
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              scopes?: string[];


          • Optionalextra_params?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            • [key: string]: unknown
          • Optionalscopes?: string[]
  • /oauth/list_connects: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: string[];
    • get: {
          res: {
              200: string[];
      • res: {
            200: string[];
        • 200: string[]

          list of oauth connects clients

  • /oauth/list_logins: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: {
                    oauth: string[];
                    saml?: string;
    • get: {
          res: {
              200: {
                  oauth: string[];
                  saml?: string;
      • res: {
            200: {
                oauth: string[];
                saml?: string;
        • 200: {
              oauth: string[];
              saml?: string;

          list of oauth and saml login clients

          • oauth: string[]
          • Optionalsaml?: string
  • /oauth/login_callback/{client_name}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                clientName: string;
                requestBody: {
                    code?: string;
                    state?: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              clientName: string;
              requestBody: {
                  code?: string;
                  state?: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            clientName: string;
            requestBody: {
                code?: string;
                state?: string;
        • clientName: string
        • requestBody: {
              code?: string;
              state?: string;

          Partially filled script

          • Optionalcode?: string
          • Optionalstate?: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          Successfully authenticated. The session ID is returned in a cookie named token and as plaintext response. Preferred method of authorization is through the bearer token. The cookie is only for browser convenience.

  • /openapi.yaml: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: string;
    • get: {
          res: {
              200: string;
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          openapi yaml file content

  • /saml/test_metadata: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: string;
        • requestBody: string

          test metadata

      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /schedules/preview: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    schedule: string;
                    timezone: string;
            res: {
                200: string[];
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  schedule: string;
                  timezone: string;
          res: {
              200: string[];
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                schedule: string;
                timezone: string;
        • requestBody: {
              schedule: string;
              timezone: string;


          • schedule: string
          • timezone: string
      • res: {
            200: string[];
        • 200: string[]

          List of 5 estimated upcoming execution events (in UTC)

  • /scripts/hub/get/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
        • path: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          script details

  • /scripts/hub/get_full/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    content: string;
                    language: string;
                    lockfile?: string;
                    schema?: unknown;
                    summary?: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  content: string;
                  language: string;
                  lockfile?: string;
                  schema?: unknown;
                  summary?: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
        • path: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                content: string;
                language: string;
                lockfile?: string;
                schema?: unknown;
                summary?: string;
        • 200: {
              content: string;
              language: string;
              lockfile?: string;
              schema?: unknown;
              summary?: string;

          script details

          • content: string
          • language: string
          • Optionallockfile?: string
          • Optionalschema?: unknown
          • Optionalsummary?: string
  • /scripts/hub/top: {
        get: {
            req: {
                app?: string;
                kind?: string;
                limit?: number;
            res: {
                200: {
                    asks?: {
                        app: string;
                        ask_id: number;
                        id: number;
                        kind: HubScriptKind;
                        summary: string;
                        version_id: number;
                        views: number;
                        votes: number;
    • get: {
          req: {
              app?: string;
              kind?: string;
              limit?: number;
          res: {
              200: {
                  asks?: {
                      app: string;
                      ask_id: number;
                      id: number;
                      kind: HubScriptKind;
                      summary: string;
                      version_id: number;
                      views: number;
                      votes: number;
      • req: {
            app?: string;
            kind?: string;
            limit?: number;
        • Optionalapp?: string

          query scripts app

        • Optionalkind?: string

          query scripts kind

        • Optionallimit?: number

          query limit

      • res: {
            200: {
                asks?: {
                    app: string;
                    ask_id: number;
                    id: number;
                    kind: HubScriptKind;
                    summary: string;
                    version_id: number;
                    views: number;
                    votes: number;
        • 200: {
              asks?: {
                  app: string;
                  ask_id: number;
                  id: number;
                  kind: HubScriptKind;
                  summary: string;
                  version_id: number;
                  views: number;
                  votes: number;

          hub scripts list

          • Optionalasks?: {
                app: string;
                ask_id: number;
                id: number;
                kind: HubScriptKind;
                summary: string;
                version_id: number;
                views: number;
                votes: number;
  • /scripts_u/tokened_raw/{workspace}/{token}/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                token: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              token: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            token: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • token: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          script content

  • /settings/global/{key}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                key: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
        post: {
            req: {
                key: string;
                requestBody: {
                    value?: unknown;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              key: string;
          res: {
              200: unknown;
      • req: {
            key: string;
        • key: string
      • res: {
            200: unknown;
        • 200: unknown


    • post: {
          req: {
              key: string;
              requestBody: {
                  value?: unknown;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            key: string;
            requestBody: {
                value?: unknown;
        • key: string
        • requestBody: {
              value?: unknown;

          value set

          • Optionalvalue?: unknown
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /settings/latest_key_renewal_attempt: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: {
                    attempted_at: string;
                    result: string;
                } | null;
    • get: {
          res: {
              200: {
                  attempted_at: string;
                  result: string;
              } | null;
      • res: {
            200: {
                attempted_at: string;
                result: string;
            } | null;
        • 200: {
              attempted_at: string;
              result: string;
          } | null


  • /settings/local: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    • get: {
          res: {
              200: unknown;
      • res: {
            200: unknown;
        • 200: unknown


  • /settings/renew_license_key: {
        post: {
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          res: {
              200: string;
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /settings/send_stats: {
        post: {
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          res: {
              200: string;
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /settings/test_license_key: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    license_key: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  license_key: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                license_key: string;
        • requestBody: {
              license_key: string;

          test license key

          • license_key: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /settings/test_object_storage_config: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    [key: string]: unknown;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  [key: string]: unknown;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
        • requestBody: {
              [key: string]: unknown;

          test object storage config

          • [key: string]: unknown
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /settings/test_smtp: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    smtp: {
                        from: string;
                        host: string;
                        password: string;
                        port: number;
                        tls_implicit: boolean;
                        username: string;
                    to: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  smtp: {
                      from: string;
                      host: string;
                      password: string;
                      port: number;
                      tls_implicit: boolean;
                      username: string;
                  to: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                smtp: {
                    from: string;
                    host: string;
                    password: string;
                    port: number;
                    tls_implicit: boolean;
                    username: string;
                to: string;
        • requestBody: {
              smtp: {
                  from: string;
                  host: string;
                  password: string;
                  port: number;
                  tls_implicit: boolean;
                  username: string;
              to: string;

          test smtp payload

          • smtp: {
                from: string;
                host: string;
                password: string;
                port: number;
                tls_implicit: boolean;
                username: string;
            • from: string
            • host: string
            • password: string
            • port: number
            • tls_implicit: boolean
            • username: string
          • to: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /uptodate: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: string;
    • get: {
          res: {
              200: string;
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          is backend up to date

  • /users/accept_invite: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    username?: string;
                    workspace_id: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  username?: string;
                  workspace_id: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                username?: string;
                workspace_id: string;
        • requestBody: {
              username?: string;
              workspace_id: string;

          accept invite

          • Optionalusername?: string
          • workspace_id: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /users/all_runnables: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: {
                    description?: string;
                    endpoint_async: string;
                    endpoint_openai_sync: string;
                    endpoint_sync: string;
                    kind: string;
                    summary: string;
                    workspace: string;
    • get: {
          res: {
              200: {
                  description?: string;
                  endpoint_async: string;
                  endpoint_openai_sync: string;
                  endpoint_sync: string;
                  kind: string;
                  summary: string;
                  workspace: string;
      • res: {
            200: {
                description?: string;
                endpoint_async: string;
                endpoint_openai_sync: string;
                endpoint_sync: string;
                kind: string;
                summary: string;
                workspace: string;
        • 200: {
              description?: string;
              endpoint_async: string;
              endpoint_openai_sync: string;
              endpoint_sync: string;
              kind: string;
              summary: string;
              workspace: string;

          free all runnables

          • Optionaldescription?: string
          • endpoint_async: string
          • endpoint_openai_sync: string
          • endpoint_sync: string
          • kind: string
          • summary: string
          • workspace: string
  • /users/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    company?: string;
                    email: string;
                    name?: string;
                    password: string;
                    super_admin: boolean;
            res: {
                201: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  company?: string;
                  email: string;
                  name?: string;
                  password: string;
                  super_admin: boolean;
          res: {
              201: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                company?: string;
                email: string;
                name?: string;
                password: string;
                super_admin: boolean;
        • requestBody: {
              company?: string;
              email: string;
              name?: string;
              password: string;
              super_admin: boolean;

          user info

          • Optionalcompany?: string
          • email: string
          • Optionalname?: string
          • password: string
          • super_admin: boolean
      • res: {
            201: string;
        • 201: string

          user created

  • /users/decline_invite: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    workspace_id: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  workspace_id: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                workspace_id: string;
        • requestBody: {
              workspace_id: string;

          decline invite

          • workspace_id: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /users/delete/{email}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                email: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • delete: {
          req: {
              email: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            email: string;
        • email: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          user deleted

  • /users/email: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: string;
    • get: {
          res: {
              200: string;
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          user email

  • /users/exists/{email}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                email: string;
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    • get: {
          req: {
              email: string;
          res: {
              200: boolean;
      • req: {
            email: string;
        • email: string
      • res: {
            200: boolean;
        • 200: boolean


  • /users/leave_instance: {
        post: {
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          res: {
              200: string;
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /users/list_as_super_admin: {
        get: {
            req: {
                page?: number;
                perPage?: number;
            res: {
                200: GlobalUserInfo[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              page?: number;
              perPage?: number;
          res: {
              200: GlobalUserInfo[];
      • req: {
            page?: number;
            perPage?: number;
        • Optionalpage?: number

          which page to return (start at 1, default 1)

        • OptionalperPage?: number

          number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100)

      • res: {
            200: GlobalUserInfo[];
  • /users/list_invites: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: WorkspaceInvite[];
  • /users/refresh_token: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: string;
    • get: {
          res: {
              200: string;
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          free usage

  • /users/rename/{email}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                email: string;
                requestBody: {
                    new_username: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              email: string;
              requestBody: {
                  new_username: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            email: string;
            requestBody: {
                new_username: string;
        • email: string
        • requestBody: {
              new_username: string;

          new username

          • new_username: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          user renamed

  • /users/setpassword: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    password: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  password: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                password: string;
        • requestBody: {
              password: string;

          set password

          • password: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          password set

  • /users/tokens/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: NewToken;
            res: {
                201: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: NewToken;
          res: {
              201: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: NewToken;
      • res: {
            201: string;
        • 201: string

          token created

  • /users/tokens/delete/{token_prefix}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                tokenPrefix: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • delete: {
          req: {
              tokenPrefix: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            tokenPrefix: string;
        • tokenPrefix: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          delete token

  • /users/tokens/impersonate: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: NewTokenImpersonate;
            res: {
                201: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: NewTokenImpersonate;
          res: {
              201: string;
  • /users/tokens/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                excludeEphemeral?: boolean;
            res: {
                200: TruncatedToken[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              excludeEphemeral?: boolean;
          res: {
              200: TruncatedToken[];
      • req: {
            excludeEphemeral?: boolean;
        • OptionalexcludeEphemeral?: boolean
      • res: {
            200: TruncatedToken[];
  • /users/tutorial_progress: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: {
                    progress?: number;
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    progress?: number;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • get: {
          res: {
              200: {
                  progress?: number;
      • res: {
            200: {
                progress?: number;
        • 200: {
              progress?: number;

          tutorial progress

          • Optionalprogress?: number
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  progress?: number;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                progress?: number;
        • requestBody: {
              progress?: number;

          progress update

          • Optionalprogress?: number
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          tutorial progress

  • /users/update/{email}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                email: string;
                requestBody: {
                    is_super_admin?: boolean;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              email: string;
              requestBody: {
                  is_super_admin?: boolean;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            email: string;
            requestBody: {
                is_super_admin?: boolean;
        • email: string
        • requestBody: {
              is_super_admin?: boolean;

          new user info

          • Optionalis_super_admin?: boolean
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          user updated

  • /users/usage: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: number;
    • get: {
          res: {
              200: number;
      • res: {
            200: number;
        • 200: number

          free usage

  • /users/username_info/{email}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                email: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    username: string;
                    workspace_usernames: {
                        username: string;
                        workspace_id: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              email: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  username: string;
                  workspace_usernames: {
                      username: string;
                      workspace_id: string;
      • req: {
            email: string;
        • email: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                username: string;
                workspace_usernames: {
                    username: string;
                    workspace_id: string;
        • 200: {
              username: string;
              workspace_usernames: {
                  username: string;
                  workspace_id: string;

          user renamed

          • username: string
          • workspace_usernames: {
                username: string;
                workspace_id: string;
  • /users/whoami: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: GlobalUserInfo;
  • /version: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: string;
    • get: {
          res: {
              200: string;
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          git version of backend

  • /w/{workspace}/acls/add/{kind}/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                    | "script"
                    | "group_"
                    | "resource"
                    | "schedule"
                    | "variable"
                    | "flow"
                    | "folder"
                    | "app"
                    | "raw_app";
                path: string;
                requestBody: {
                    owner: string;
                    write?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
                  | "script"
                  | "group_"
                  | "resource"
                  | "schedule"
                  | "variable"
                  | "flow"
                  | "folder"
                  | "app"
                  | "raw_app";
              path: string;
              requestBody: {
                  owner: string;
                  write?: boolean;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
                | "script"
                | "group_"
                | "resource"
                | "schedule"
                | "variable"
                | "flow"
                | "folder"
                | "app"
                | "raw_app";
            path: string;
            requestBody: {
                owner: string;
                write?: boolean;
            workspace: string;
        • kind:
              | "script"
              | "group_"
              | "resource"
              | "schedule"
              | "variable"
              | "flow"
              | "folder"
              | "app"
              | "raw_app"
        • path: string
        • requestBody: {
              owner: string;
              write?: boolean;

          acl to add

          • owner: string
          • Optionalwrite?: boolean
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          granular acl added

  • /w/{workspace}/acls/get/{kind}/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                    | "script"
                    | "group_"
                    | "resource"
                    | "schedule"
                    | "variable"
                    | "flow"
                    | "folder"
                    | "app"
                    | "raw_app";
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    [key: string]: boolean;
    • get: {
          req: {
                  | "script"
                  | "group_"
                  | "resource"
                  | "schedule"
                  | "variable"
                  | "flow"
                  | "folder"
                  | "app"
                  | "raw_app";
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  [key: string]: boolean;
      • req: {
                | "script"
                | "group_"
                | "resource"
                | "schedule"
                | "variable"
                | "flow"
                | "folder"
                | "app"
                | "raw_app";
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • kind:
              | "script"
              | "group_"
              | "resource"
              | "schedule"
              | "variable"
              | "flow"
              | "folder"
              | "app"
              | "raw_app"
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                [key: string]: boolean;
        • 200: {
              [key: string]: boolean;


          • [key: string]: boolean
  • /w/{workspace}/acls/remove/{kind}/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                    | "script"
                    | "group_"
                    | "resource"
                    | "schedule"
                    | "variable"
                    | "flow"
                    | "folder"
                    | "app"
                    | "raw_app";
                path: string;
                requestBody: {
                    owner: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
                  | "script"
                  | "group_"
                  | "resource"
                  | "schedule"
                  | "variable"
                  | "flow"
                  | "folder"
                  | "app"
                  | "raw_app";
              path: string;
              requestBody: {
                  owner: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
                | "script"
                | "group_"
                | "resource"
                | "schedule"
                | "variable"
                | "flow"
                | "folder"
                | "app"
                | "raw_app";
            path: string;
            requestBody: {
                owner: string;
            workspace: string;
        • kind:
              | "script"
              | "group_"
              | "resource"
              | "schedule"
              | "variable"
              | "flow"
              | "folder"
              | "app"
              | "raw_app"
        • path: string
        • requestBody: {
              owner: string;

          acl to add

          • owner: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          granular acl removed

  • /w/{workspace}/apps/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    deployment_message?: string;
                    draft_only?: boolean;
                    path: string;
                    policy: Policy;
                    summary: string;
                    value: unknown;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  deployment_message?: string;
                  draft_only?: boolean;
                  path: string;
                  policy: Policy;
                  summary: string;
                  value: unknown;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              201: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                deployment_message?: string;
                draft_only?: boolean;
                path: string;
                policy: Policy;
                summary: string;
                value: unknown;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: {
              deployment_message?: string;
              draft_only?: boolean;
              path: string;
              policy: Policy;
              summary: string;
              value: unknown;

          new app

          • Optionaldeployment_message?: string
          • Optionaldraft_only?: boolean
          • path: string
          • policy: Policy
          • summary: string
          • value: unknown
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            201: string;
        • 201: string

          app created

  • /w/{workspace}/apps/delete/{path}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • delete: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          app deleted

  • /w/{workspace}/apps/exists/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: boolean;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: boolean;
        • 200: boolean

          app exists

  • /w/{workspace}/apps/get/draft/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: AppWithLastVersionWDraft;
  • /w/{workspace}/apps/get/p/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: AppWithLastVersion;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: AppWithLastVersion;
  • /w/{workspace}/apps/get/v/{id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                id: number;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: AppWithLastVersion;
    • get: {
          req: {
              id: number;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: AppWithLastVersion;
  • /w/{workspace}/apps/get_data/{version}/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                version: number;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              version: number;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            version: number;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • version: number
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          app details

  • /w/{workspace}/apps/history/p/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: AppHistory[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: AppHistory[];
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: AppHistory[];
  • /w/{workspace}/apps/history_update/a/{id}/v/{version}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                id: number;
                requestBody: {
                    deployment_msg?: string;
                version: number;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              id: number;
              requestBody: {
                  deployment_msg?: string;
              version: number;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            id: number;
            requestBody: {
                deployment_msg?: string;
            version: number;
            workspace: string;
        • id: number
        • requestBody: {
              deployment_msg?: string;

          App deployment message

          • Optionaldeployment_msg?: string
        • version: number
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /w/{workspace}/apps/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                createdBy?: string;
                orderDesc?: boolean;
                page?: number;
                pathExact?: string;
                pathStart?: string;
                perPage?: number;
                starredOnly?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: ListableApp[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              createdBy?: string;
              orderDesc?: boolean;
              page?: number;
              pathExact?: string;
              pathStart?: string;
              perPage?: number;
              starredOnly?: boolean;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: ListableApp[];
      • req: {
            createdBy?: string;
            orderDesc?: boolean;
            page?: number;
            pathExact?: string;
            pathStart?: string;
            perPage?: number;
            starredOnly?: boolean;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalcreatedBy?: string

          mask to filter exact matching user creator

        • OptionalorderDesc?: boolean

          order by desc order (default true)

        • Optionalpage?: number

          which page to return (start at 1, default 1)

        • OptionalpathExact?: string

          mask to filter exact matching path

        • OptionalpathStart?: string

          mask to filter matching starting path

        • OptionalperPage?: number

          number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100)

        • OptionalstarredOnly?: boolean

          (default false) show only the starred items

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: ListableApp[];
  • /w/{workspace}/apps/list_search: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    path: string;
                    value: unknown;
    • get: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  path: string;
                  value: unknown;
      • req: {
            workspace: string;
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                path: string;
                value: unknown;
        • 200: {
              path: string;
              value: unknown;

          app list

  • /w/{workspace}/apps/secret_of/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          app secret

  • /w/{workspace}/apps/update/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                requestBody: {
                    deployment_message?: string;
                    path?: string;
                    policy?: Policy;
                    summary?: string;
                    value?: unknown;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              requestBody: {
                  deployment_message?: string;
                  path?: string;
                  policy?: Policy;
                  summary?: string;
                  value?: unknown;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            requestBody: {
                deployment_message?: string;
                path?: string;
                policy?: Policy;
                summary?: string;
                value?: unknown;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • requestBody: {
              deployment_message?: string;
              path?: string;
              policy?: Policy;
              summary?: string;
              value?: unknown;

          update app

          • Optionaldeployment_message?: string
          • Optionalpath?: string
          • Optionalpolicy?: Policy
          • Optionalsummary?: string
          • Optionalvalue?: unknown
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          app updated

  • /w/{workspace}/apps_u/execute_component/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                requestBody: {
                    args: unknown;
                    component: string;
                    force_viewer_allow_user_resources?: string[];
                    force_viewer_one_of_fields?: {
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    force_viewer_static_fields?: {
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    path?: string;
                    raw_code?: {
                        cache_ttl?: number;
                        content: string;
                        language: string;
                        lock?: string;
                        path?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              requestBody: {
                  args: unknown;
                  component: string;
                  force_viewer_allow_user_resources?: string[];
                  force_viewer_one_of_fields?: {
                      [key: string]: unknown;
                  force_viewer_static_fields?: {
                      [key: string]: unknown;
                  path?: string;
                  raw_code?: {
                      cache_ttl?: number;
                      content: string;
                      language: string;
                      lock?: string;
                      path?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            requestBody: {
                args: unknown;
                component: string;
                force_viewer_allow_user_resources?: string[];
                force_viewer_one_of_fields?: {
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                force_viewer_static_fields?: {
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                path?: string;
                raw_code?: {
                    cache_ttl?: number;
                    content: string;
                    language: string;
                    lock?: string;
                    path?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • requestBody: {
              args: unknown;
              component: string;
              force_viewer_allow_user_resources?: string[];
              force_viewer_one_of_fields?: {
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              force_viewer_static_fields?: {
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              path?: string;
              raw_code?: {
                  cache_ttl?: number;
                  content: string;
                  language: string;
                  lock?: string;
                  path?: string;

          update app

          • args: unknown
          • component: string
          • Optionalforce_viewer_allow_user_resources?: string[]
          • Optionalforce_viewer_one_of_fields?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            • [key: string]: unknown
          • Optionalforce_viewer_static_fields?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            • [key: string]: unknown
          • Optionalpath?: string
          • Optionalraw_code?: {
                cache_ttl?: number;
                content: string;
                language: string;
                lock?: string;
                path?: string;
            • Optionalcache_ttl?: number
            • content: string
            • language: string
            • Optionallock?: string
            • Optionalpath?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          job uuid

  • /w/{workspace}/apps_u/public_app/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: AppWithLastVersion;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: AppWithLastVersion;
  • /w/{workspace}/apps_u/public_resource/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: unknown;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: unknown;
        • 200: unknown

          resource value

  • /w/{workspace}/audit/get/{id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                id: number;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: AuditLog;
    • get: {
          req: {
              id: number;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: AuditLog;
      • req: {
            id: number;
            workspace: string;
        • id: number
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: AuditLog;
  • /w/{workspace}/audit/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                    | "Create"
                    | "Update"
                    | "Delete"
                    | "Execute";
                after?: string;
                before?: string;
                operation?: string;
                page?: number;
                perPage?: number;
                resource?: string;
                username?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: AuditLog[];
    • get: {
          req: {
                  | "Create"
                  | "Update"
                  | "Delete"
                  | "Execute";
              after?: string;
              before?: string;
              operation?: string;
              page?: number;
              perPage?: number;
              resource?: string;
              username?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: AuditLog[];
      • req: {
                | "Create"
                | "Update"
                | "Delete"
                | "Execute";
            after?: string;
            before?: string;
            operation?: string;
            page?: number;
            perPage?: number;
            resource?: string;
            username?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalactionKind?:
              | "Create"
              | "Update"
              | "Delete"
              | "Execute"

          filter on type of operation

        • Optionalafter?: string

          filter on created after (exclusive) timestamp

        • Optionalbefore?: string

          filter on created before (exclusive) timestamp

        • Optionaloperation?: string

          filter on exact or prefix name of operation

        • Optionalpage?: number

          which page to return (start at 1, default 1)

        • OptionalperPage?: number

          number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100)

        • Optionalresource?: string

          filter on exact or prefix name of resource

        • Optionalusername?: string

          filter on exact username of user

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: AuditLog[];
  • /w/{workspace}/capture/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
                404: unknown;
        put: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: unknown;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: unknown;
              404: unknown;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: unknown;
            404: unknown;
        • 200: unknown

          captured flow preview

        • 404: unknown

          capture does not exist for this flow

    • put: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              201: unknown;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            201: unknown;
        • 201: unknown

          flow preview capture created

  • /w/{workspace}/capture_u/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                204: void;
    • post: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              204: void;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            204: void;
        • 204: void

          flow preview captured

  • /w/{workspace}/concurrency_groups/list_jobs: {
        get: {
            req: {
                allWorkspaces?: boolean;
                args?: string;
                concurrencyKey?: string;
                createdBy?: string;
                createdOrStartedAfter?: string;
                createdOrStartedBefore?: string;
                hasNullParent?: boolean;
                isFlowStep?: boolean;
                isNotSchedule?: boolean;
                isSkipped?: boolean;
                jobKinds?: string;
                label?: string;
                page?: number;
                parentJob?: string;
                perPage?: number;
                result?: string;
                rowLimit?: number;
                running?: boolean;
                schedulePath?: string;
                scheduledForBeforeNow?: boolean;
                scriptHash?: string;
                scriptPathExact?: string;
                scriptPathStart?: string;
                startedAfter?: string;
                startedBefore?: string;
                success?: boolean;
                tag?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: ExtendedJobs;
    • get: {
          req: {
              allWorkspaces?: boolean;
              args?: string;
              concurrencyKey?: string;
              createdBy?: string;
              createdOrStartedAfter?: string;
              createdOrStartedBefore?: string;
              hasNullParent?: boolean;
              isFlowStep?: boolean;
              isNotSchedule?: boolean;
              isSkipped?: boolean;
              jobKinds?: string;
              label?: string;
              page?: number;
              parentJob?: string;
              perPage?: number;
              result?: string;
              rowLimit?: number;
              running?: boolean;
              schedulePath?: string;
              scheduledForBeforeNow?: boolean;
              scriptHash?: string;
              scriptPathExact?: string;
              scriptPathStart?: string;
              startedAfter?: string;
              startedBefore?: string;
              success?: boolean;
              tag?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: ExtendedJobs;
      • req: {
            allWorkspaces?: boolean;
            args?: string;
            concurrencyKey?: string;
            createdBy?: string;
            createdOrStartedAfter?: string;
            createdOrStartedBefore?: string;
            hasNullParent?: boolean;
            isFlowStep?: boolean;
            isNotSchedule?: boolean;
            isSkipped?: boolean;
            jobKinds?: string;
            label?: string;
            page?: number;
            parentJob?: string;
            perPage?: number;
            result?: string;
            rowLimit?: number;
            running?: boolean;
            schedulePath?: string;
            scheduledForBeforeNow?: boolean;
            scriptHash?: string;
            scriptPathExact?: string;
            scriptPathStart?: string;
            startedAfter?: string;
            startedBefore?: string;
            success?: boolean;
            tag?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalallWorkspaces?: boolean

          get jobs from all workspaces (only valid if request come from the admins workspace)

        • Optionalargs?: string

          filter on jobs containing those args as a json subset (@> in postgres)

        • OptionalconcurrencyKey?: string
        • OptionalcreatedBy?: string

          mask to filter exact matching user creator

        • OptionalcreatedOrStartedAfter?: string

          filter on created_at for non non started job and started_at otherwise after (exclusive) timestamp

        • OptionalcreatedOrStartedBefore?: string

          filter on created_at for non non started job and started_at otherwise before (inclusive) timestamp

        • OptionalhasNullParent?: boolean

          has null parent

        • OptionalisFlowStep?: boolean

          is the job a flow step

        • OptionalisNotSchedule?: boolean

          is not a scheduled job

        • OptionalisSkipped?: boolean

          is the job skipped

        • OptionaljobKinds?: string

          filter on job kind (values 'preview', 'script', 'dependencies', 'flow') separated by,

        • Optionallabel?: string

          mask to filter exact matching job's label (job labels are completed jobs with as a result an object containing a string in the array at key 'wm_labels')

        • Optionalpage?: number

          which page to return (start at 1, default 1)

        • OptionalparentJob?: string

          The parent job that is at the origin and responsible for the execution of this script if any

        • OptionalperPage?: number

          number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100)

        • Optionalresult?: string

          filter on jobs containing those result as a json subset (@> in postgres)

        • OptionalrowLimit?: number
        • Optionalrunning?: boolean

          filter on running jobs

        • OptionalschedulePath?: string

          mask to filter by schedule path

        • OptionalscheduledForBeforeNow?: boolean

          filter on jobs scheduled_for before now (hence waitinf for a worker)

        • OptionalscriptHash?: string

          mask to filter exact matching path

        • OptionalscriptPathExact?: string

          mask to filter exact matching path

        • OptionalscriptPathStart?: string

          mask to filter matching starting path

        • OptionalstartedAfter?: string

          filter on started after (exclusive) timestamp

        • OptionalstartedBefore?: string

          filter on started before (inclusive) timestamp

        • Optionalsuccess?: boolean

          filter on successful jobs

        • Optionaltag?: string

          filter on jobs with a given tag/worker group

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: ExtendedJobs;
  • /w/{workspace}/drafts/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    path: string;
                    typ: "flow" | "script" | "app";
                    value?: unknown;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  path: string;
                  typ: "flow" | "script" | "app";
                  value?: unknown;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              201: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                path: string;
                typ: "flow" | "script" | "app";
                value?: unknown;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: {
              path: string;
              typ: "flow" | "script" | "app";
              value?: unknown;
          • path: string
          • typ: "flow" | "script" | "app"
          • Optionalvalue?: unknown
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            201: string;
        • 201: string

          draft created

  • /w/{workspace}/drafts/delete/{kind}/{path}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                kind: "script" | "flow" | "app";
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • delete: {
          req: {
              kind: "script" | "flow" | "app";
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            kind: "script" | "flow" | "app";
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • kind: "script" | "flow" | "app"
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          draft deleted

  • /w/{workspace}/embeddings/query_resource_types: {
        get: {
            req: {
                limit?: number;
                text: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    name: string;
                    schema?: unknown;
                    score: number;
    • get: {
          req: {
              limit?: number;
              text: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  name: string;
                  schema?: unknown;
                  score: number;
      • req: {
            limit?: number;
            text: string;
            workspace: string;
        • Optionallimit?: number

          query limit

        • text: string

          query text

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                name: string;
                schema?: unknown;
                score: number;
        • 200: {
              name: string;
              schema?: unknown;
              score: number;

          resource type details

  • /w/{workspace}/favorites/star: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody?: {
                        | "flow"
                        | "app"
                        | "script"
                        | "raw_app";
                    path?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody?: {
                      | "flow"
                      | "app"
                      | "script"
                      | "raw_app";
                  path?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: unknown;
      • req: {
            requestBody?: {
                    | "flow"
                    | "app"
                    | "script"
                    | "raw_app";
                path?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalrequestBody?: {
                  | "flow"
                  | "app"
                  | "script"
                  | "raw_app";
              path?: string;
          • Optionalfavorite_kind?:
                | "flow"
                | "app"
                | "script"
                | "raw_app"
          • Optionalpath?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: unknown;
        • 200: unknown

          star item

  • /w/{workspace}/favorites/unstar: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody?: {
                        | "flow"
                        | "app"
                        | "script"
                        | "raw_app";
                    path?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody?: {
                      | "flow"
                      | "app"
                      | "script"
                      | "raw_app";
                  path?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: unknown;
      • req: {
            requestBody?: {
                    | "flow"
                    | "app"
                    | "script"
                    | "raw_app";
                path?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalrequestBody?: {
                  | "flow"
                  | "app"
                  | "script"
                  | "raw_app";
              path?: string;
          • Optionalfavorite_kind?:
                | "flow"
                | "app"
                | "script"
                | "raw_app"
          • Optionalpath?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: unknown;
        • 200: unknown

          unstar item

  • /w/{workspace}/flows/archive/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                requestBody: {
                    archived?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              requestBody: {
                  archived?: boolean;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            requestBody: {
                archived?: boolean;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • requestBody: {
              archived?: boolean;


          • Optionalarchived?: boolean
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          flow archived

  • /w/{workspace}/flows/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: OpenFlowWPath & {
                    deployment_message?: string;
                    draft_only?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: OpenFlowWPath & {
                  deployment_message?: string;
                  draft_only?: boolean;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              201: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: OpenFlowWPath & {
                deployment_message?: string;
                draft_only?: boolean;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: OpenFlowWPath & {
              deployment_message?: string;
              draft_only?: boolean;

          Partially filled flow

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            201: string;
        • 201: string

          flow created

  • /w/{workspace}/flows/delete/{path}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • delete: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          flow delete

  • /w/{workspace}/flows/exists/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: boolean;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: boolean;
        • 200: boolean

          flow details

  • /w/{workspace}/flows/get/draft/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Flow & {
                    draft?: Flow;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: Flow & {
                  draft?: Flow;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: Flow & {
                draft?: Flow;
        • 200: Flow & {
              draft?: Flow;

          flow details with draft

  • /w/{workspace}/flows/get/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Flow;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: Flow;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: Flow;
        • 200: Flow

          flow details

  • /w/{workspace}/flows/input_history/p/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                page?: number;
                path: string;
                perPage?: number;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Input[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              page?: number;
              path: string;
              perPage?: number;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: Input[];
      • req: {
            page?: number;
            path: string;
            perPage?: number;
            workspace: string;
        • Optionalpage?: number

          which page to return (start at 1, default 1)

        • path: string
        • OptionalperPage?: number

          number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100)

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: Input[];
        • 200: Input[]

          input history for completed jobs with this flow path

  • /w/{workspace}/flows/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                createdBy?: string;
                orderDesc?: boolean;
                page?: number;
                pathExact?: string;
                pathStart?: string;
                perPage?: number;
                showArchived?: boolean;
                starredOnly?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: (Flow & {
                    draft_only?: boolean;
                    has_draft?: boolean;
    • get: {
          req: {
              createdBy?: string;
              orderDesc?: boolean;
              page?: number;
              pathExact?: string;
              pathStart?: string;
              perPage?: number;
              showArchived?: boolean;
              starredOnly?: boolean;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: (Flow & {
                  draft_only?: boolean;
                  has_draft?: boolean;
      • req: {
            createdBy?: string;
            orderDesc?: boolean;
            page?: number;
            pathExact?: string;
            pathStart?: string;
            perPage?: number;
            showArchived?: boolean;
            starredOnly?: boolean;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalcreatedBy?: string

          mask to filter exact matching user creator

        • OptionalorderDesc?: boolean

          order by desc order (default true)

        • Optionalpage?: number

          which page to return (start at 1, default 1)

        • OptionalpathExact?: string

          mask to filter exact matching path

        • OptionalpathStart?: string

          mask to filter matching starting path

        • OptionalperPage?: number

          number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100)

        • OptionalshowArchived?: boolean

          (default false) show also the archived files. when multiple archived hash share the same path, only the ones with the latest create_at are displayed.

        • OptionalstarredOnly?: boolean

          (default false) show only the starred items

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: (Flow & {
                draft_only?: boolean;
                has_draft?: boolean;
        • 200: (Flow & {
              draft_only?: boolean;
              has_draft?: boolean;

          All flow

  • /w/{workspace}/flows/list_paths: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string[];
      • req: {
            workspace: string;
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string[];
        • 200: string[]

          list of flow paths

  • /w/{workspace}/flows/list_search: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    path: string;
                    value: unknown;
    • get: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  path: string;
                  value: unknown;
      • req: {
            workspace: string;
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                path: string;
                value: unknown;
        • 200: {
              path: string;
              value: unknown;

          flow list

  • /w/{workspace}/flows/toggle_workspace_error_handler/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                requestBody: {
                    muted?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              requestBody: {
                  muted?: boolean;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            requestBody: {
                muted?: boolean;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • requestBody: {
              muted?: boolean;

          Workspace error handler enabled

          • Optionalmuted?: boolean
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          error handler toggled

  • /w/{workspace}/flows/update/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                requestBody: OpenFlowWPath & {
                    deployment_message?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              requestBody: OpenFlowWPath & {
                  deployment_message?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            requestBody: OpenFlowWPath & {
                deployment_message?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • requestBody: OpenFlowWPath & {
              deployment_message?: string;

          Partially filled flow

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          flow updated

  • /w/{workspace}/folders/addowner/{name}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                requestBody: {
                    owner: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              name: string;
              requestBody: {
                  owner: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            name: string;
            requestBody: {
                owner: string;
            workspace: string;
        • name: string
        • requestBody: {
              owner: string;

          owner user to folder

          • owner: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          owner added to folder

  • /w/{workspace}/folders/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    extra_perms?: unknown;
                    name: string;
                    owners?: string[];
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  extra_perms?: unknown;
                  name: string;
                  owners?: string[];
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                extra_perms?: unknown;
                name: string;
                owners?: string[];
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: {
              extra_perms?: unknown;
              name: string;
              owners?: string[];

          create folder

          • Optionalextra_perms?: unknown
          • name: string
          • Optionalowners?: string[]
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          folder created

  • /w/{workspace}/folders/delete/{name}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • delete: {
          req: {
              name: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            name: string;
            workspace: string;
        • name: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          folder deleted

  • /w/{workspace}/folders/get/{name}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Folder;
    • get: {
          req: {
              name: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: Folder;
      • req: {
            name: string;
            workspace: string;
        • name: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: Folder;
  • /w/{workspace}/folders/getusage/{name}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    apps: number;
                    flows: number;
                    resources: number;
                    schedules: number;
                    scripts: number;
                    variables: number;
    • get: {
          req: {
              name: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  apps: number;
                  flows: number;
                  resources: number;
                  schedules: number;
                  scripts: number;
                  variables: number;
      • req: {
            name: string;
            workspace: string;
        • name: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                apps: number;
                flows: number;
                resources: number;
                schedules: number;
                scripts: number;
                variables: number;
        • 200: {
              apps: number;
              flows: number;
              resources: number;
              schedules: number;
              scripts: number;
              variables: number;


          • apps: number
          • flows: number
          • resources: number
          • schedules: number
          • scripts: number
          • variables: number
  • /w/{workspace}/folders/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                page?: number;
                perPage?: number;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Folder[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              page?: number;
              perPage?: number;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: Folder[];
      • req: {
            page?: number;
            perPage?: number;
            workspace: string;
        • Optionalpage?: number

          which page to return (start at 1, default 1)

        • OptionalperPage?: number

          number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100)

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: Folder[];
  • /w/{workspace}/folders/listnames: {
        get: {
            req: {
                onlyMemberOf?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              onlyMemberOf?: boolean;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string[];
      • req: {
            onlyMemberOf?: boolean;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalonlyMemberOf?: boolean

          only list the folders the user is member of (default false)

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string[];
        • 200: string[]

          folder list

  • /w/{workspace}/folders/removeowner/{name}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                requestBody: {
                    owner: string;
                    write?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              name: string;
              requestBody: {
                  owner: string;
                  write?: boolean;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            name: string;
            requestBody: {
                owner: string;
                write?: boolean;
            workspace: string;
        • name: string
        • requestBody: {
              owner: string;
              write?: boolean;

          added owner to folder

          • owner: string
          • Optionalwrite?: boolean
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          owner removed from folder

  • /w/{workspace}/folders/update/{name}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                requestBody: {
                    extra_perms?: unknown;
                    owners?: string[];
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              name: string;
              requestBody: {
                  extra_perms?: unknown;
                  owners?: string[];
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            name: string;
            requestBody: {
                extra_perms?: unknown;
                owners?: string[];
            workspace: string;
        • name: string
        • requestBody: {
              extra_perms?: unknown;
              owners?: string[];

          update folder

          • Optionalextra_perms?: unknown
          • Optionalowners?: string[]
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          folder updated

  • /w/{workspace}/groups/adduser/{name}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                requestBody: {
                    username?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              name: string;
              requestBody: {
                  username?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            name: string;
            requestBody: {
                username?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • name: string
        • requestBody: {
              username?: string;

          added user to group

          • Optionalusername?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          user added to group

  • /w/{workspace}/groups/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    name: string;
                    summary?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  name: string;
                  summary?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                name: string;
                summary?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: {
              name: string;
              summary?: string;

          create group

          • name: string
          • Optionalsummary?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          group created

  • /w/{workspace}/groups/delete/{name}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • delete: {
          req: {
              name: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            name: string;
            workspace: string;
        • name: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          group deleted

  • /w/{workspace}/groups/get/{name}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Group;
    • get: {
          req: {
              name: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: Group;
      • req: {
            name: string;
            workspace: string;
        • name: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: Group;
  • /w/{workspace}/groups/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                page?: number;
                perPage?: number;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Group[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              page?: number;
              perPage?: number;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: Group[];
      • req: {
            page?: number;
            perPage?: number;
            workspace: string;
        • Optionalpage?: number

          which page to return (start at 1, default 1)

        • OptionalperPage?: number

          number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100)

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: Group[];
  • /w/{workspace}/groups/listnames: {
        get: {
            req: {
                onlyMemberOf?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              onlyMemberOf?: boolean;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string[];
      • req: {
            onlyMemberOf?: boolean;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalonlyMemberOf?: boolean

          only list the groups the user is member of (default false)

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string[];
        • 200: string[]

          group list

  • /w/{workspace}/groups/removeuser/{name}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                requestBody: {
                    username?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              name: string;
              requestBody: {
                  username?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            name: string;
            requestBody: {
                username?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • name: string
        • requestBody: {
              username?: string;

          added user to group

          • Optionalusername?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          user removed from group

  • /w/{workspace}/groups/update/{name}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                requestBody: {
                    summary?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              name: string;
              requestBody: {
                  summary?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            name: string;
            requestBody: {
                summary?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • name: string
        • requestBody: {
              summary?: string;

          updated group

          • Optionalsummary?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          group updated

  • /w/{workspace}/inputs/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: CreateInput;
                runnableId?: string;
                runnableType?: RunnableType;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: CreateInput;
              runnableId?: string;
              runnableType?: RunnableType;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              201: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: CreateInput;
            runnableId?: string;
            runnableType?: RunnableType;
            workspace: string;
      • res: {
            201: string;
        • 201: string

          Input created

  • /w/{workspace}/inputs/delete/{input}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                input: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              input: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            input: string;
            workspace: string;
        • input: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          Input deleted

  • /w/{workspace}/inputs/history: {
        get: {
            req: {
                page?: number;
                perPage?: number;
                runnableId?: string;
                runnableType?: RunnableType;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Input[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              page?: number;
              perPage?: number;
              runnableId?: string;
              runnableType?: RunnableType;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: Input[];
      • req: {
            page?: number;
            perPage?: number;
            runnableId?: string;
            runnableType?: RunnableType;
            workspace: string;
        • Optionalpage?: number

          which page to return (start at 1, default 1)

        • OptionalperPage?: number

          number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100)

        • OptionalrunnableId?: string
        • OptionalrunnableType?: RunnableType
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: Input[];
        • 200: Input[]

          Input history for completed jobs

  • /w/{workspace}/inputs/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                page?: number;
                perPage?: number;
                runnableId?: string;
                runnableType?: RunnableType;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Input[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              page?: number;
              perPage?: number;
              runnableId?: string;
              runnableType?: RunnableType;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: Input[];
      • req: {
            page?: number;
            perPage?: number;
            runnableId?: string;
            runnableType?: RunnableType;
            workspace: string;
        • Optionalpage?: number

          which page to return (start at 1, default 1)

        • OptionalperPage?: number

          number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100)

        • OptionalrunnableId?: string
        • OptionalrunnableType?: RunnableType
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: Input[];
        • 200: Input[]

          Saved Inputs for a Runnable

  • /w/{workspace}/inputs/update: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: UpdateInput;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: UpdateInput;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              201: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: UpdateInput;
            workspace: string;
      • res: {
            201: string;
        • 201: string

          Input updated

  • /w/{workspace}/inputs/{jobOrInputId}/args: {
        get: {
            req: {
                jobOrInputId: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    • get: {
          req: {
              jobOrInputId: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: unknown;
      • req: {
            jobOrInputId: string;
            workspace: string;
        • jobOrInputId: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: unknown;
        • 200: unknown


  • /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/delete_s3_file: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                fileKey: string;
                storage?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    • delete: {
          req: {
              fileKey: string;
              storage?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: unknown;
      • req: {
            fileKey: string;
            storage?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • fileKey: string
        • Optionalstorage?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: unknown;
        • 200: unknown


  • /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/download_s3_file: {
        get: {
            req: {
                fileKey: string;
                resourceType?: string;
                s3ResourcePath?: string;
                storage?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Blob | File;
    • get: {
          req: {
              fileKey: string;
              resourceType?: string;
              s3ResourcePath?: string;
              storage?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: Blob | File;
      • req: {
            fileKey: string;
            resourceType?: string;
            s3ResourcePath?: string;
            storage?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • fileKey: string
        • OptionalresourceType?: string
        • Optionals3ResourcePath?: string
        • Optionalstorage?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: Blob | File;
        • 200: Blob | File

          Chunk of the downloaded file

  • /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/download_s3_parquet_file_as_csv: {
        get: {
            req: {
                fileKey: string;
                resourceType?: string;
                s3ResourcePath?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              fileKey: string;
              resourceType?: string;
              s3ResourcePath?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            fileKey: string;
            resourceType?: string;
            s3ResourcePath?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • fileKey: string
        • OptionalresourceType?: string
        • Optionals3ResourcePath?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          The downloaded file

  • /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/duckdb_connection_settings: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    s3_resource?: S3Resource;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    connection_settings_str?: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  s3_resource?: S3Resource;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  connection_settings_str?: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                s3_resource?: S3Resource;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: {
              s3_resource?: S3Resource;

          S3 resource to connect to

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                connection_settings_str?: string;
        • 200: {
              connection_settings_str?: string;

          Connection settings

          • Optionalconnection_settings_str?: string
  • /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/list_stored_files: {
        get: {
            req: {
                marker?: string;
                maxKeys: number;
                prefix?: string;
                storage?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    next_marker?: string;
                    restricted_access?: boolean;
                    windmill_large_files: WindmillLargeFile[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              marker?: string;
              maxKeys: number;
              prefix?: string;
              storage?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  next_marker?: string;
                  restricted_access?: boolean;
                  windmill_large_files: WindmillLargeFile[];
      • req: {
            marker?: string;
            maxKeys: number;
            prefix?: string;
            storage?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • Optionalmarker?: string
        • maxKeys: number
        • Optionalprefix?: string
        • Optionalstorage?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                next_marker?: string;
                restricted_access?: boolean;
                windmill_large_files: WindmillLargeFile[];
        • 200: {
              next_marker?: string;
              restricted_access?: boolean;
              windmill_large_files: WindmillLargeFile[];

          List of file keys

          • Optionalnext_marker?: string
          • Optionalrestricted_access?: boolean
          • windmill_large_files: WindmillLargeFile[]
  • /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/load_csv_preview/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                limit?: number;
                offset?: number;
                path: string;
                searchCol?: string;
                searchTerm?: string;
                sortCol?: string;
                sortDesc?: boolean;
                storage?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    • get: {
          req: {
              limit?: number;
              offset?: number;
              path: string;
              searchCol?: string;
              searchTerm?: string;
              sortCol?: string;
              sortDesc?: boolean;
              storage?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: unknown;
      • req: {
            limit?: number;
            offset?: number;
            path: string;
            searchCol?: string;
            searchTerm?: string;
            sortCol?: string;
            sortDesc?: boolean;
            storage?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • Optionallimit?: number
        • Optionaloffset?: number
        • path: string
        • OptionalsearchCol?: string
        • OptionalsearchTerm?: string
        • OptionalsortCol?: string
        • OptionalsortDesc?: boolean
        • Optionalstorage?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: unknown;
        • 200: unknown

          Csv Preview

  • /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/load_file_metadata: {
        get: {
            req: {
                fileKey: string;
                storage?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: WindmillFileMetadata;
    • get: {
          req: {
              fileKey: string;
              storage?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: WindmillFileMetadata;
      • req: {
            fileKey: string;
            storage?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • fileKey: string
        • Optionalstorage?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: WindmillFileMetadata;
  • /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/load_file_preview: {
        get: {
            req: {
                csvHasHeader?: boolean;
                csvSeparator?: string;
                fileKey: string;
                fileMimeType?: string;
                fileSizeInBytes?: number;
                readBytesFrom?: number;
                readBytesLength?: number;
                storage?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: WindmillFilePreview;
    • get: {
          req: {
              csvHasHeader?: boolean;
              csvSeparator?: string;
              fileKey: string;
              fileMimeType?: string;
              fileSizeInBytes?: number;
              readBytesFrom?: number;
              readBytesLength?: number;
              storage?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: WindmillFilePreview;
      • req: {
            csvHasHeader?: boolean;
            csvSeparator?: string;
            fileKey: string;
            fileMimeType?: string;
            fileSizeInBytes?: number;
            readBytesFrom?: number;
            readBytesLength?: number;
            storage?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalcsvHasHeader?: boolean
        • OptionalcsvSeparator?: string
        • fileKey: string
        • OptionalfileMimeType?: string
        • OptionalfileSizeInBytes?: number
        • OptionalreadBytesFrom?: number
        • OptionalreadBytesLength?: number
        • Optionalstorage?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: WindmillFilePreview;
  • /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/load_parquet_preview/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                limit?: number;
                offset?: number;
                path: string;
                searchCol?: string;
                searchTerm?: string;
                sortCol?: string;
                sortDesc?: boolean;
                storage?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    • get: {
          req: {
              limit?: number;
              offset?: number;
              path: string;
              searchCol?: string;
              searchTerm?: string;
              sortCol?: string;
              sortDesc?: boolean;
              storage?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: unknown;
      • req: {
            limit?: number;
            offset?: number;
            path: string;
            searchCol?: string;
            searchTerm?: string;
            sortCol?: string;
            sortDesc?: boolean;
            storage?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • Optionallimit?: number
        • Optionaloffset?: number
        • path: string
        • OptionalsearchCol?: string
        • OptionalsearchTerm?: string
        • OptionalsortCol?: string
        • OptionalsortDesc?: boolean
        • Optionalstorage?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: unknown;
        • 200: unknown

          Parquet Preview

  • /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/move_s3_file: {
        get: {
            req: {
                destFileKey: string;
                srcFileKey: string;
                storage?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    • get: {
          req: {
              destFileKey: string;
              srcFileKey: string;
              storage?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: unknown;
      • req: {
            destFileKey: string;
            srcFileKey: string;
            storage?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • destFileKey: string
        • srcFileKey: string
        • Optionalstorage?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: unknown;
        • 200: unknown


  • /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/polars_connection_settings: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    s3_resource?: S3Resource;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    cache_regions: boolean;
                    client_kwargs: PolarsClientKwargs;
                    endpoint_url: string;
                    key?: string;
                    secret?: string;
                    use_ssl: boolean;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  s3_resource?: S3Resource;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  cache_regions: boolean;
                  client_kwargs: PolarsClientKwargs;
                  endpoint_url: string;
                  key?: string;
                  secret?: string;
                  use_ssl: boolean;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                s3_resource?: S3Resource;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: {
              s3_resource?: S3Resource;

          S3 resource to connect to

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                cache_regions: boolean;
                client_kwargs: PolarsClientKwargs;
                endpoint_url: string;
                key?: string;
                secret?: string;
                use_ssl: boolean;
        • 200: {
              cache_regions: boolean;
              client_kwargs: PolarsClientKwargs;
              endpoint_url: string;
              key?: string;
              secret?: string;
              use_ssl: boolean;

          Connection settings

          • cache_regions: boolean
          • client_kwargs: PolarsClientKwargs
          • endpoint_url: string
          • Optionalkey?: string
          • Optionalsecret?: string
          • use_ssl: boolean
  • /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/test_connection: {
        get: {
            req: {
                storage?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    • get: {
          req: {
              storage?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: unknown;
      • req: {
            storage?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • Optionalstorage?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: unknown;
        • 200: unknown

          Connection settings

  • /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/upload_s3_file: {
        post: {
            req: {
                fileExtension?: string;
                fileKey?: string;
                requestBody: Blob | File;
                resourceType?: string;
                s3ResourcePath?: string;
                storage?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    file_key: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              fileExtension?: string;
              fileKey?: string;
              requestBody: Blob | File;
              resourceType?: string;
              s3ResourcePath?: string;
              storage?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  file_key: string;
      • req: {
            fileExtension?: string;
            fileKey?: string;
            requestBody: Blob | File;
            resourceType?: string;
            s3ResourcePath?: string;
            storage?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalfileExtension?: string
        • OptionalfileKey?: string
        • requestBody: Blob | File

          File content

        • OptionalresourceType?: string
        • Optionals3ResourcePath?: string
        • Optionalstorage?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                file_key: string;
        • 200: {
              file_key: string;

          File upload status

          • file_key: string
  • /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/v2/duckdb_connection_settings: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    s3_resource_path?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    connection_settings_str: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  s3_resource_path?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  connection_settings_str: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                s3_resource_path?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: {
              s3_resource_path?: string;

          S3 resource path to use to generate the connection settings. If empty, the S3 resource defined in the workspace settings will be used

          • Optionals3_resource_path?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                connection_settings_str: string;
        • 200: {
              connection_settings_str: string;

          Connection settings

          • connection_settings_str: string
  • /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/v2/polars_connection_settings: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    s3_resource_path?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    s3fs_args: {
                        cache_regions: boolean;
                        client_kwargs: PolarsClientKwargs;
                        endpoint_url: string;
                        key?: string;
                        secret?: string;
                        use_ssl: boolean;
                    storage_options: {
                        aws_access_key_id?: string;
                        aws_allow_http: string;
                        aws_endpoint_url: string;
                        aws_region: string;
                        aws_secret_access_key?: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  s3_resource_path?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  s3fs_args: {
                      cache_regions: boolean;
                      client_kwargs: PolarsClientKwargs;
                      endpoint_url: string;
                      key?: string;
                      secret?: string;
                      use_ssl: boolean;
                  storage_options: {
                      aws_access_key_id?: string;
                      aws_allow_http: string;
                      aws_endpoint_url: string;
                      aws_region: string;
                      aws_secret_access_key?: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                s3_resource_path?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: {
              s3_resource_path?: string;

          S3 resource path to use to generate the connection settings. If empty, the S3 resource defined in the workspace settings will be used

          • Optionals3_resource_path?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                s3fs_args: {
                    cache_regions: boolean;
                    client_kwargs: PolarsClientKwargs;
                    endpoint_url: string;
                    key?: string;
                    secret?: string;
                    use_ssl: boolean;
                storage_options: {
                    aws_access_key_id?: string;
                    aws_allow_http: string;
                    aws_endpoint_url: string;
                    aws_region: string;
                    aws_secret_access_key?: string;
        • 200: {
              s3fs_args: {
                  cache_regions: boolean;
                  client_kwargs: PolarsClientKwargs;
                  endpoint_url: string;
                  key?: string;
                  secret?: string;
                  use_ssl: boolean;
              storage_options: {
                  aws_access_key_id?: string;
                  aws_allow_http: string;
                  aws_endpoint_url: string;
                  aws_region: string;
                  aws_secret_access_key?: string;

          Connection settings

          • s3fs_args: {
                cache_regions: boolean;
                client_kwargs: PolarsClientKwargs;
                endpoint_url: string;
                key?: string;
                secret?: string;
                use_ssl: boolean;
            • cache_regions: boolean
            • client_kwargs: PolarsClientKwargs
            • endpoint_url: string
            • Optionalkey?: string
            • Optionalsecret?: string
            • use_ssl: boolean
          • storage_options: {
                aws_access_key_id?: string;
                aws_allow_http: string;
                aws_endpoint_url: string;
                aws_region: string;
                aws_secret_access_key?: string;
            • Optionalaws_access_key_id?: string
            • aws_allow_http: string
            • aws_endpoint_url: string
            • aws_region: string
            • Optionalaws_secret_access_key?: string
  • /w/{workspace}/job_helpers/v2/s3_resource_info: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    s3_resource_path?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: S3Resource;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  s3_resource_path?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: S3Resource;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                s3_resource_path?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: {
              s3_resource_path?: string;

          S3 resource path to use. If empty, the S3 resource defined in the workspace settings will be used

          • Optionals3_resource_path?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: S3Resource;
  • /w/{workspace}/job_metrics/get/{id}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                id: string;
                requestBody: {
                    from_timestamp?: string;
                    timeseries_max_datapoints?: number;
                    to_timestamp?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    metrics_metadata?: MetricMetadata[];
                    scalar_metrics?: ScalarMetric[];
                    timeseries_metrics?: TimeseriesMetric[];
    • post: {
          req: {
              id: string;
              requestBody: {
                  from_timestamp?: string;
                  timeseries_max_datapoints?: number;
                  to_timestamp?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  metrics_metadata?: MetricMetadata[];
                  scalar_metrics?: ScalarMetric[];
                  timeseries_metrics?: TimeseriesMetric[];
      • req: {
            id: string;
            requestBody: {
                from_timestamp?: string;
                timeseries_max_datapoints?: number;
                to_timestamp?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • id: string
        • requestBody: {
              from_timestamp?: string;
              timeseries_max_datapoints?: number;
              to_timestamp?: string;

          parameters for statistics retrieval

          • Optionalfrom_timestamp?: string
          • Optionaltimeseries_max_datapoints?: number
          • Optionalto_timestamp?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                metrics_metadata?: MetricMetadata[];
                scalar_metrics?: ScalarMetric[];
                timeseries_metrics?: TimeseriesMetric[];
  • /w/{workspace}/jobs/completed/count: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    database_length: number;
    • get: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  database_length: number;
      • req: {
            workspace: string;
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                database_length: number;
        • 200: {
              database_length: number;

          completed count

          • database_length: number
  • /w/{workspace}/jobs/completed/delete/{id}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                id: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: CompletedJob;
    • post: {
          req: {
              id: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: CompletedJob;
      • req: {
            id: string;
            workspace: string;
        • id: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: CompletedJob;
  • /w/{workspace}/jobs/completed/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                args?: string;
                createdBy?: string;
                hasNullParent?: boolean;
                isFlowStep?: boolean;
                isNotSchedule?: boolean;
                isSkipped?: boolean;
                jobKinds?: string;
                label?: string;
                orderDesc?: boolean;
                page?: number;
                parentJob?: string;
                perPage?: number;
                result?: string;
                schedulePath?: string;
                scriptHash?: string;
                scriptPathExact?: string;
                scriptPathStart?: string;
                startedAfter?: string;
                startedBefore?: string;
                success?: boolean;
                tag?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: CompletedJob[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              args?: string;
              createdBy?: string;
              hasNullParent?: boolean;
              isFlowStep?: boolean;
              isNotSchedule?: boolean;
              isSkipped?: boolean;
              jobKinds?: string;
              label?: string;
              orderDesc?: boolean;
              page?: number;
              parentJob?: string;
              perPage?: number;
              result?: string;
              schedulePath?: string;
              scriptHash?: string;
              scriptPathExact?: string;
              scriptPathStart?: string;
              startedAfter?: string;
              startedBefore?: string;
              success?: boolean;
              tag?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: CompletedJob[];
      • req: {
            args?: string;
            createdBy?: string;
            hasNullParent?: boolean;
            isFlowStep?: boolean;
            isNotSchedule?: boolean;
            isSkipped?: boolean;
            jobKinds?: string;
            label?: string;
            orderDesc?: boolean;
            page?: number;
            parentJob?: string;
            perPage?: number;
            result?: string;
            schedulePath?: string;
            scriptHash?: string;
            scriptPathExact?: string;
            scriptPathStart?: string;
            startedAfter?: string;
            startedBefore?: string;
            success?: boolean;
            tag?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • Optionalargs?: string

          filter on jobs containing those args as a json subset (@> in postgres)

        • OptionalcreatedBy?: string

          mask to filter exact matching user creator

        • OptionalhasNullParent?: boolean

          has null parent

        • OptionalisFlowStep?: boolean

          is the job a flow step

        • OptionalisNotSchedule?: boolean

          is not a scheduled job

        • OptionalisSkipped?: boolean

          is the job skipped

        • OptionaljobKinds?: string

          filter on job kind (values 'preview', 'script', 'dependencies', 'flow') separated by,

        • Optionallabel?: string

          mask to filter exact matching job's label (job labels are completed jobs with as a result an object containing a string in the array at key 'wm_labels')

        • OptionalorderDesc?: boolean

          order by desc order (default true)

        • Optionalpage?: number

          which page to return (start at 1, default 1)

        • OptionalparentJob?: string

          The parent job that is at the origin and responsible for the execution of this script if any

        • OptionalperPage?: number

          number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100)

        • Optionalresult?: string

          filter on jobs containing those result as a json subset (@> in postgres)

        • OptionalschedulePath?: string

          mask to filter by schedule path

        • OptionalscriptHash?: string

          mask to filter exact matching path

        • OptionalscriptPathExact?: string

          mask to filter exact matching path

        • OptionalscriptPathStart?: string

          mask to filter matching starting path

        • OptionalstartedAfter?: string

          filter on started after (exclusive) timestamp

        • OptionalstartedBefore?: string

          filter on started before (inclusive) timestamp

        • Optionalsuccess?: boolean

          filter on successful jobs

        • Optionaltag?: string

          filter on jobs with a given tag/worker group

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: CompletedJob[];
  • /w/{workspace}/jobs/flow/resume/{id}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                id: string;
                requestBody: {
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              id: string;
              requestBody: {
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              201: string;
      • req: {
            id: string;
            requestBody: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            workspace: string;
        • id: string
        • requestBody: {
              [key: string]: unknown;
          • [key: string]: unknown
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            201: string;
        • 201: string

          job resumed

  • /w/{workspace}/jobs/flow/user_states/{id}/{key}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                id: string;
                key: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
        post: {
            req: {
                id: string;
                key: string;
                requestBody: unknown;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              id: string;
              key: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: unknown;
      • req: {
            id: string;
            key: string;
            workspace: string;
        • id: string
        • key: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: unknown;
        • 200: unknown

          flow user state updated

    • post: {
          req: {
              id: string;
              key: string;
              requestBody: unknown;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            id: string;
            key: string;
            requestBody: unknown;
            workspace: string;
        • id: string
        • key: string
        • requestBody: unknown

          new value

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          flow user state updated

  • /w/{workspace}/jobs/job_signature/{id}/{resume_id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                approver?: string;
                id: string;
                resumeId: number;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              approver?: string;
              id: string;
              resumeId: number;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            approver?: string;
            id: string;
            resumeId: number;
            workspace: string;
        • Optionalapprover?: string
        • id: string
        • resumeId: number
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          job signature

  • /w/{workspace}/jobs/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                allWorkspaces?: boolean;
                args?: string;
                createdBy?: string;
                createdOrStartedAfter?: string;
                createdOrStartedBefore?: string;
                hasNullParent?: boolean;
                isFlowStep?: boolean;
                isNotSchedule?: boolean;
                isSkipped?: boolean;
                jobKinds?: string;
                label?: string;
                page?: number;
                parentJob?: string;
                perPage?: number;
                result?: string;
                running?: boolean;
                schedulePath?: string;
                scheduledForBeforeNow?: boolean;
                scriptHash?: string;
                scriptPathExact?: string;
                scriptPathStart?: string;
                startedAfter?: string;
                startedBefore?: string;
                success?: boolean;
                tag?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Job[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              allWorkspaces?: boolean;
              args?: string;
              createdBy?: string;
              createdOrStartedAfter?: string;
              createdOrStartedBefore?: string;
              hasNullParent?: boolean;
              isFlowStep?: boolean;
              isNotSchedule?: boolean;
              isSkipped?: boolean;
              jobKinds?: string;
              label?: string;
              page?: number;
              parentJob?: string;
              perPage?: number;
              result?: string;
              running?: boolean;
              schedulePath?: string;
              scheduledForBeforeNow?: boolean;
              scriptHash?: string;
              scriptPathExact?: string;
              scriptPathStart?: string;
              startedAfter?: string;
              startedBefore?: string;
              success?: boolean;
              tag?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: Job[];
      • req: {
            allWorkspaces?: boolean;
            args?: string;
            createdBy?: string;
            createdOrStartedAfter?: string;
            createdOrStartedBefore?: string;
            hasNullParent?: boolean;
            isFlowStep?: boolean;
            isNotSchedule?: boolean;
            isSkipped?: boolean;
            jobKinds?: string;
            label?: string;
            page?: number;
            parentJob?: string;
            perPage?: number;
            result?: string;
            running?: boolean;
            schedulePath?: string;
            scheduledForBeforeNow?: boolean;
            scriptHash?: string;
            scriptPathExact?: string;
            scriptPathStart?: string;
            startedAfter?: string;
            startedBefore?: string;
            success?: boolean;
            tag?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalallWorkspaces?: boolean

          get jobs from all workspaces (only valid if request come from the admins workspace)

        • Optionalargs?: string

          filter on jobs containing those args as a json subset (@> in postgres)

        • OptionalcreatedBy?: string

          mask to filter exact matching user creator

        • OptionalcreatedOrStartedAfter?: string

          filter on created_at for non non started job and started_at otherwise after (exclusive) timestamp

        • OptionalcreatedOrStartedBefore?: string

          filter on created_at for non non started job and started_at otherwise before (inclusive) timestamp

        • OptionalhasNullParent?: boolean

          has null parent

        • OptionalisFlowStep?: boolean

          is the job a flow step

        • OptionalisNotSchedule?: boolean

          is not a scheduled job

        • OptionalisSkipped?: boolean

          is the job skipped

        • OptionaljobKinds?: string

          filter on job kind (values 'preview', 'script', 'dependencies', 'flow') separated by,

        • Optionallabel?: string

          mask to filter exact matching job's label (job labels are completed jobs with as a result an object containing a string in the array at key 'wm_labels')

        • Optionalpage?: number

          which page to return (start at 1, default 1)

        • OptionalparentJob?: string

          The parent job that is at the origin and responsible for the execution of this script if any

        • OptionalperPage?: number

          number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100)

        • Optionalresult?: string

          filter on jobs containing those result as a json subset (@> in postgres)

        • Optionalrunning?: boolean

          filter on running jobs

        • OptionalschedulePath?: string

          mask to filter by schedule path

        • OptionalscheduledForBeforeNow?: boolean

          filter on jobs scheduled_for before now (hence waitinf for a worker)

        • OptionalscriptHash?: string

          mask to filter exact matching path

        • OptionalscriptPathExact?: string

          mask to filter exact matching path

        • OptionalscriptPathStart?: string

          mask to filter matching starting path

        • OptionalstartedAfter?: string

          filter on started after (exclusive) timestamp

        • OptionalstartedBefore?: string

          filter on started before (inclusive) timestamp

        • Optionalsuccess?: boolean

          filter on successful jobs

        • Optionaltag?: string

          filter on jobs with a given tag/worker group

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: Job[];
        • 200: Job[]

          All jobs

  • /w/{workspace}/jobs/openai_sync/f/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                includeHeader?: string;
                jobId?: string;
                path: string;
                queueLimit?: string;
                requestBody: ScriptArgs;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    • post: {
          req: {
              includeHeader?: string;
              jobId?: string;
              path: string;
              queueLimit?: string;
              requestBody: ScriptArgs;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: unknown;
      • req: {
            includeHeader?: string;
            jobId?: string;
            path: string;
            queueLimit?: string;
            requestBody: ScriptArgs;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalincludeHeader?: string

          List of headers's keys (separated with ',') whove value are added to the args Header's key lowercased and '-'' replaced to '_' such that 'Content-Type' becomes the 'content_type' arg key

        • OptionaljobId?: string

          The job id to assign to the created job. if missing, job is chosen randomly using the ULID scheme. If a job id already exists in the queue or as a completed job, the request to create one will fail (Bad Request)

        • path: string
        • OptionalqueueLimit?: string

          The maximum size of the queue for which the request would get rejected if that job would push it above that limit

        • requestBody: ScriptArgs

          script args

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: unknown;
        • 200: unknown

          job result

  • /w/{workspace}/jobs/openai_sync/p/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                includeHeader?: string;
                jobId?: string;
                parentJob?: string;
                path: string;
                queueLimit?: string;
                requestBody: ScriptArgs;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    • post: {
          req: {
              includeHeader?: string;
              jobId?: string;
              parentJob?: string;
              path: string;
              queueLimit?: string;
              requestBody: ScriptArgs;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: unknown;
      • req: {
            includeHeader?: string;
            jobId?: string;
            parentJob?: string;
            path: string;
            queueLimit?: string;
            requestBody: ScriptArgs;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalincludeHeader?: string

          List of headers's keys (separated with ',') whove value are added to the args Header's key lowercased and '-'' replaced to '_' such that 'Content-Type' becomes the 'content_type' arg key

        • OptionaljobId?: string

          The job id to assign to the created job. if missing, job is chosen randomly using the ULID scheme. If a job id already exists in the queue or as a completed job, the request to create one will fail (Bad Request)

        • OptionalparentJob?: string

          The parent job that is at the origin and responsible for the execution of this script if any

        • path: string
        • OptionalqueueLimit?: string

          The maximum size of the queue for which the request would get rejected if that job would push it above that limit

        • requestBody: ScriptArgs

          script args

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: unknown;
        • 200: unknown

          job result

  • /w/{workspace}/jobs/queue/cancel_all: {
        post: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string[];
    • post: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string[];
      • req: {
            workspace: string;
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string[];
        • 200: string[]

          uuids of canceled jobs

  • /w/{workspace}/jobs/queue/count: {
        get: {
            req: {
                allWorkspaces?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    database_length: number;
    • get: {
          req: {
              allWorkspaces?: boolean;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  database_length: number;
      • req: {
            allWorkspaces?: boolean;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalallWorkspaces?: boolean

          get jobs from all workspaces (only valid if request come from the admins workspace)

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                database_length: number;
        • 200: {
              database_length: number;

          queue count

          • database_length: number
  • /w/{workspace}/jobs/queue/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                allWorkspaces?: boolean;
                args?: string;
                createdBy?: string;
                isNotSchedule?: boolean;
                jobKinds?: string;
                orderDesc?: boolean;
                page?: number;
                parentJob?: string;
                perPage?: number;
                result?: string;
                running?: boolean;
                schedulePath?: string;
                scheduledForBeforeNow?: boolean;
                scriptHash?: string;
                scriptPathExact?: string;
                scriptPathStart?: string;
                startedAfter?: string;
                startedBefore?: string;
                success?: boolean;
                suspended?: boolean;
                tag?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: QueuedJob[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              allWorkspaces?: boolean;
              args?: string;
              createdBy?: string;
              isNotSchedule?: boolean;
              jobKinds?: string;
              orderDesc?: boolean;
              page?: number;
              parentJob?: string;
              perPage?: number;
              result?: string;
              running?: boolean;
              schedulePath?: string;
              scheduledForBeforeNow?: boolean;
              scriptHash?: string;
              scriptPathExact?: string;
              scriptPathStart?: string;
              startedAfter?: string;
              startedBefore?: string;
              success?: boolean;
              suspended?: boolean;
              tag?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: QueuedJob[];
      • req: {
            allWorkspaces?: boolean;
            args?: string;
            createdBy?: string;
            isNotSchedule?: boolean;
            jobKinds?: string;
            orderDesc?: boolean;
            page?: number;
            parentJob?: string;
            perPage?: number;
            result?: string;
            running?: boolean;
            schedulePath?: string;
            scheduledForBeforeNow?: boolean;
            scriptHash?: string;
            scriptPathExact?: string;
            scriptPathStart?: string;
            startedAfter?: string;
            startedBefore?: string;
            success?: boolean;
            suspended?: boolean;
            tag?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalallWorkspaces?: boolean

          get jobs from all workspaces (only valid if request come from the admins workspace)

        • Optionalargs?: string

          filter on jobs containing those args as a json subset (@> in postgres)

        • OptionalcreatedBy?: string

          mask to filter exact matching user creator

        • OptionalisNotSchedule?: boolean

          is not a scheduled job

        • OptionaljobKinds?: string

          filter on job kind (values 'preview', 'script', 'dependencies', 'flow') separated by,

        • OptionalorderDesc?: boolean

          order by desc order (default true)

        • Optionalpage?: number

          which page to return (start at 1, default 1)

        • OptionalparentJob?: string

          The parent job that is at the origin and responsible for the execution of this script if any

        • OptionalperPage?: number

          number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100)

        • Optionalresult?: string

          filter on jobs containing those result as a json subset (@> in postgres)

        • Optionalrunning?: boolean

          filter on running jobs

        • OptionalschedulePath?: string

          mask to filter by schedule path

        • OptionalscheduledForBeforeNow?: boolean

          filter on jobs scheduled_for before now (hence waitinf for a worker)

        • OptionalscriptHash?: string

          mask to filter exact matching path

        • OptionalscriptPathExact?: string

          mask to filter exact matching path

        • OptionalscriptPathStart?: string

          mask to filter matching starting path

        • OptionalstartedAfter?: string

          filter on started after (exclusive) timestamp

        • OptionalstartedBefore?: string

          filter on started before (inclusive) timestamp

        • Optionalsuccess?: boolean

          filter on successful jobs

        • Optionalsuspended?: boolean

          filter on suspended jobs

        • Optionaltag?: string

          filter on jobs with a given tag/worker group

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: QueuedJob[];
  • /w/{workspace}/jobs/restart/f/{id}/from/{step_id}/{branch_or_iteration_n}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                branchOrIterationN: number;
                id: string;
                includeHeader?: string;
                invisibleToOwner?: boolean;
                jobId?: string;
                parentJob?: string;
                requestBody: ScriptArgs;
                scheduledFor?: string;
                scheduledInSecs?: number;
                stepId: string;
                tag?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              branchOrIterationN: number;
              id: string;
              includeHeader?: string;
              invisibleToOwner?: boolean;
              jobId?: string;
              parentJob?: string;
              requestBody: ScriptArgs;
              scheduledFor?: string;
              scheduledInSecs?: number;
              stepId: string;
              tag?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              201: string;
      • req: {
            branchOrIterationN: number;
            id: string;
            includeHeader?: string;
            invisibleToOwner?: boolean;
            jobId?: string;
            parentJob?: string;
            requestBody: ScriptArgs;
            scheduledFor?: string;
            scheduledInSecs?: number;
            stepId: string;
            tag?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • branchOrIterationN: number

          for branchall or loop, the iteration at which the flow should restart

        • id: string
        • OptionalincludeHeader?: string

          List of headers's keys (separated with ',') whove value are added to the args Header's key lowercased and '-'' replaced to '_' such that 'Content-Type' becomes the 'content_type' arg key

        • OptionalinvisibleToOwner?: boolean

          make the run invisible to the the flow owner (default false)

        • OptionaljobId?: string

          The job id to assign to the created job. if missing, job is chosen randomly using the ULID scheme. If a job id already exists in the queue or as a completed job, the request to create one will fail (Bad Request)

        • OptionalparentJob?: string

          The parent job that is at the origin and responsible for the execution of this script if any

        • requestBody: ScriptArgs

          flow args

        • OptionalscheduledFor?: string

          when to schedule this job (leave empty for immediate run)

        • OptionalscheduledInSecs?: number

          schedule the script to execute in the number of seconds starting now

        • stepId: string

          step id to restart the flow from

        • Optionaltag?: string

          Override the tag to use

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            201: string;
        • 201: string

          job created

  • /w/{workspace}/jobs/result_by_id/{flow_job_id}/{node_id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                flowJobId: string;
                nodeId: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    • get: {
          req: {
              flowJobId: string;
              nodeId: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: unknown;
      • req: {
            flowJobId: string;
            nodeId: string;
            workspace: string;
        • flowJobId: string
        • nodeId: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: unknown;
        • 200: unknown

          job result

  • /w/{workspace}/jobs/resume_urls/{id}/{resume_id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                approver?: string;
                id: string;
                resumeId: number;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    approvalPage: string;
                    cancel: string;
                    resume: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              approver?: string;
              id: string;
              resumeId: number;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  approvalPage: string;
                  cancel: string;
                  resume: string;
      • req: {
            approver?: string;
            id: string;
            resumeId: number;
            workspace: string;
        • Optionalapprover?: string
        • id: string
        • resumeId: number
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                approvalPage: string;
                cancel: string;
                resume: string;
        • 200: {
              approvalPage: string;
              cancel: string;
              resume: string;

          url endpoints

          • approvalPage: string
          • cancel: string
          • resume: string
  • /w/{workspace}/jobs/run/dependencies: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    entrypoint: string;
                    raw_scripts: RawScriptForDependencies[];
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: {
                    lock: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  entrypoint: string;
                  raw_scripts: RawScriptForDependencies[];
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              201: {
                  lock: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                entrypoint: string;
                raw_scripts: RawScriptForDependencies[];
            workspace: string;
      • res: {
            201: {
                lock: string;
        • 201: {
              lock: string;

          dependency job result

          • lock: string
  • /w/{workspace}/jobs/run/f/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                includeHeader?: string;
                invisibleToOwner?: boolean;
                jobId?: string;
                parentJob?: string;
                path: string;
                requestBody: ScriptArgs;
                scheduledFor?: string;
                scheduledInSecs?: number;
                tag?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              includeHeader?: string;
              invisibleToOwner?: boolean;
              jobId?: string;
              parentJob?: string;
              path: string;
              requestBody: ScriptArgs;
              scheduledFor?: string;
              scheduledInSecs?: number;
              tag?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              201: string;
      • req: {
            includeHeader?: string;
            invisibleToOwner?: boolean;
            jobId?: string;
            parentJob?: string;
            path: string;
            requestBody: ScriptArgs;
            scheduledFor?: string;
            scheduledInSecs?: number;
            tag?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalincludeHeader?: string

          List of headers's keys (separated with ',') whove value are added to the args Header's key lowercased and '-'' replaced to '_' such that 'Content-Type' becomes the 'content_type' arg key

        • OptionalinvisibleToOwner?: boolean

          make the run invisible to the the flow owner (default false)

        • OptionaljobId?: string

          The job id to assign to the created job. if missing, job is chosen randomly using the ULID scheme. If a job id already exists in the queue or as a completed job, the request to create one will fail (Bad Request)

        • OptionalparentJob?: string

          The parent job that is at the origin and responsible for the execution of this script if any

        • path: string
        • requestBody: ScriptArgs

          flow args

        • OptionalscheduledFor?: string

          when to schedule this job (leave empty for immediate run)

        • OptionalscheduledInSecs?: number

          schedule the script to execute in the number of seconds starting now

        • Optionaltag?: string

          Override the tag to use

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            201: string;
        • 201: string

          job created

  • /w/{workspace}/jobs/run/h/{hash}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                cacheTtl?: string;
                hash: string;
                includeHeader?: string;
                invisibleToOwner?: boolean;
                jobId?: string;
                parentJob?: string;
                requestBody: {
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                scheduledFor?: string;
                scheduledInSecs?: number;
                tag?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              cacheTtl?: string;
              hash: string;
              includeHeader?: string;
              invisibleToOwner?: boolean;
              jobId?: string;
              parentJob?: string;
              requestBody: {
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              scheduledFor?: string;
              scheduledInSecs?: number;
              tag?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              201: string;
      • req: {
            cacheTtl?: string;
            hash: string;
            includeHeader?: string;
            invisibleToOwner?: boolean;
            jobId?: string;
            parentJob?: string;
            requestBody: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            scheduledFor?: string;
            scheduledInSecs?: number;
            tag?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalcacheTtl?: string

          Override the cache time to live (in seconds). Can not be used to disable caching, only override with a new cache ttl

        • hash: string
        • OptionalincludeHeader?: string

          List of headers's keys (separated with ',') whove value are added to the args Header's key lowercased and '-'' replaced to '_' such that 'Content-Type' becomes the 'content_type' arg key

        • OptionalinvisibleToOwner?: boolean

          make the run invisible to the the script owner (default false)

        • OptionaljobId?: string

          The job id to assign to the created job. if missing, job is chosen randomly using the ULID scheme. If a job id already exists in the queue or as a completed job, the request to create one will fail (Bad Request)

        • OptionalparentJob?: string

          The parent job that is at the origin and responsible for the execution of this script if any

        • requestBody: {
              [key: string]: unknown;

          Partially filled args

          • [key: string]: unknown
        • OptionalscheduledFor?: string

          when to schedule this job (leave empty for immediate run)

        • OptionalscheduledInSecs?: number

          schedule the script to execute in the number of seconds starting now

        • Optionaltag?: string

          Override the tag to use

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            201: string;
        • 201: string

          job created

  • /w/{workspace}/jobs/run/p/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                cacheTtl?: string;
                invisibleToOwner?: boolean;
                jobId?: string;
                parentJob?: string;
                path: string;
                requestBody: ScriptArgs;
                scheduledFor?: string;
                scheduledInSecs?: number;
                tag?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              cacheTtl?: string;
              invisibleToOwner?: boolean;
              jobId?: string;
              parentJob?: string;
              path: string;
              requestBody: ScriptArgs;
              scheduledFor?: string;
              scheduledInSecs?: number;
              tag?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              201: string;
      • req: {
            cacheTtl?: string;
            invisibleToOwner?: boolean;
            jobId?: string;
            parentJob?: string;
            path: string;
            requestBody: ScriptArgs;
            scheduledFor?: string;
            scheduledInSecs?: number;
            tag?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalcacheTtl?: string

          Override the cache time to live (in seconds). Can not be used to disable caching, only override with a new cache ttl

        • OptionalinvisibleToOwner?: boolean

          make the run invisible to the the script owner (default false)

        • OptionaljobId?: string

          The job id to assign to the created job. if missing, job is chosen randomly using the ULID scheme. If a job id already exists in the queue or as a completed job, the request to create one will fail (Bad Request)

        • OptionalparentJob?: string

          The parent job that is at the origin and responsible for the execution of this script if any

        • path: string
        • requestBody: ScriptArgs

          script args

        • OptionalscheduledFor?: string

          when to schedule this job (leave empty for immediate run)

        • OptionalscheduledInSecs?: number

          schedule the script to execute in the number of seconds starting now

        • Optionaltag?: string

          Override the tag to use

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            201: string;
        • 201: string

          job created

  • /w/{workspace}/jobs/run/preview: {
        post: {
            req: {
                includeHeader?: string;
                invisibleToOwner?: boolean;
                jobId?: string;
                requestBody: Preview;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              includeHeader?: string;
              invisibleToOwner?: boolean;
              jobId?: string;
              requestBody: Preview;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              201: string;
      • req: {
            includeHeader?: string;
            invisibleToOwner?: boolean;
            jobId?: string;
            requestBody: Preview;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalincludeHeader?: string

          List of headers's keys (separated with ',') whove value are added to the args Header's key lowercased and '-'' replaced to '_' such that 'Content-Type' becomes the 'content_type' arg key

        • OptionalinvisibleToOwner?: boolean

          make the run invisible to the the script owner (default false)

        • OptionaljobId?: string

          The job id to assign to the created job. if missing, job is chosen randomly using the ULID scheme. If a job id already exists in the queue or as a completed job, the request to create one will fail (Bad Request)

        • requestBody: Preview


        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            201: string;
        • 201: string

          job created

  • /w/{workspace}/jobs/run/preview_flow: {
        post: {
            req: {
                includeHeader?: string;
                invisibleToOwner?: boolean;
                jobId?: string;
                requestBody: FlowPreview;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              includeHeader?: string;
              invisibleToOwner?: boolean;
              jobId?: string;
              requestBody: FlowPreview;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              201: string;
      • req: {
            includeHeader?: string;
            invisibleToOwner?: boolean;
            jobId?: string;
            requestBody: FlowPreview;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalincludeHeader?: string

          List of headers's keys (separated with ',') whove value are added to the args Header's key lowercased and '-'' replaced to '_' such that 'Content-Type' becomes the 'content_type' arg key

        • OptionalinvisibleToOwner?: boolean

          make the run invisible to the the script owner (default false)

        • OptionaljobId?: string

          The job id to assign to the created job. if missing, job is chosen randomly using the ULID scheme. If a job id already exists in the queue or as a completed job, the request to create one will fail (Bad Request)

        • requestBody: FlowPreview


        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            201: string;
        • 201: string

          job created

  • /w/{workspace}/jobs/run_wait_result/f/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                includeHeader?: string;
                jobId?: string;
                path: string;
                queueLimit?: string;
                requestBody: ScriptArgs;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    • post: {
          req: {
              includeHeader?: string;
              jobId?: string;
              path: string;
              queueLimit?: string;
              requestBody: ScriptArgs;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: unknown;
      • req: {
            includeHeader?: string;
            jobId?: string;
            path: string;
            queueLimit?: string;
            requestBody: ScriptArgs;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalincludeHeader?: string

          List of headers's keys (separated with ',') whove value are added to the args Header's key lowercased and '-'' replaced to '_' such that 'Content-Type' becomes the 'content_type' arg key

        • OptionaljobId?: string

          The job id to assign to the created job. if missing, job is chosen randomly using the ULID scheme. If a job id already exists in the queue or as a completed job, the request to create one will fail (Bad Request)

        • path: string
        • OptionalqueueLimit?: string

          The maximum size of the queue for which the request would get rejected if that job would push it above that limit

        • requestBody: ScriptArgs

          script args

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: unknown;
        • 200: unknown

          job result

  • /w/{workspace}/jobs/run_wait_result/p/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                cacheTtl?: string;
                includeHeader?: string;
                jobId?: string;
                parentJob?: string;
                path: string;
                payload?: string;
                queueLimit?: string;
                tag?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
        post: {
            req: {
                cacheTtl?: string;
                includeHeader?: string;
                jobId?: string;
                parentJob?: string;
                path: string;
                queueLimit?: string;
                requestBody: ScriptArgs;
                tag?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    • get: {
          req: {
              cacheTtl?: string;
              includeHeader?: string;
              jobId?: string;
              parentJob?: string;
              path: string;
              payload?: string;
              queueLimit?: string;
              tag?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: unknown;
      • req: {
            cacheTtl?: string;
            includeHeader?: string;
            jobId?: string;
            parentJob?: string;
            path: string;
            payload?: string;
            queueLimit?: string;
            tag?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalcacheTtl?: string

          Override the cache time to live (in seconds). Can not be used to disable caching, only override with a new cache ttl

        • OptionalincludeHeader?: string

          List of headers's keys (separated with ',') whove value are added to the args Header's key lowercased and '-'' replaced to '_' such that 'Content-Type' becomes the 'content_type' arg key

        • OptionaljobId?: string

          The job id to assign to the created job. if missing, job is chosen randomly using the ULID scheme. If a job id already exists in the queue or as a completed job, the request to create one will fail (Bad Request)

        • OptionalparentJob?: string

          The parent job that is at the origin and responsible for the execution of this script if any

        • path: string
        • Optionalpayload?: string

          The base64 encoded payload that has been encoded as a JSON. e.g how to encode such payload encodeURIComponent encodeURIComponent(btoa(JSON.stringify({a: 2})))

        • OptionalqueueLimit?: string

          The maximum size of the queue for which the request would get rejected if that job would push it above that limit

        • Optionaltag?: string

          Override the tag to use

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: unknown;
        • 200: unknown

          job result

    • post: {
          req: {
              cacheTtl?: string;
              includeHeader?: string;
              jobId?: string;
              parentJob?: string;
              path: string;
              queueLimit?: string;
              requestBody: ScriptArgs;
              tag?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: unknown;
      • req: {
            cacheTtl?: string;
            includeHeader?: string;
            jobId?: string;
            parentJob?: string;
            path: string;
            queueLimit?: string;
            requestBody: ScriptArgs;
            tag?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalcacheTtl?: string

          Override the cache time to live (in seconds). Can not be used to disable caching, only override with a new cache ttl

        • OptionalincludeHeader?: string

          List of headers's keys (separated with ',') whove value are added to the args Header's key lowercased and '-'' replaced to '_' such that 'Content-Type' becomes the 'content_type' arg key

        • OptionaljobId?: string

          The job id to assign to the created job. if missing, job is chosen randomly using the ULID scheme. If a job id already exists in the queue or as a completed job, the request to create one will fail (Bad Request)

        • OptionalparentJob?: string

          The parent job that is at the origin and responsible for the execution of this script if any

        • path: string
        • OptionalqueueLimit?: string

          The maximum size of the queue for which the request would get rejected if that job would push it above that limit

        • requestBody: ScriptArgs

          script args

        • Optionaltag?: string

          Override the tag to use

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: unknown;
        • 200: unknown

          job result

  • /w/{workspace}/jobs/workflow_as_code/{job_id}/{entrypoint}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                entrypoint: string;
                jobId: string;
                requestBody: WorkflowTask;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              entrypoint: string;
              jobId: string;
              requestBody: WorkflowTask;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              201: string;
      • req: {
            entrypoint: string;
            jobId: string;
            requestBody: WorkflowTask;
            workspace: string;
        • entrypoint: string
        • jobId: string
        • requestBody: WorkflowTask


        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            201: string;
        • 201: string

          job created

  • /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/cancel/{id}/{resume_id}/{signature}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                approver?: string;
                id: string;
                resumeId: number;
                signature: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
        post: {
            req: {
                approver?: string;
                id: string;
                requestBody: {
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                resumeId: number;
                signature: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              approver?: string;
              id: string;
              resumeId: number;
              signature: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              201: string;
      • req: {
            approver?: string;
            id: string;
            resumeId: number;
            signature: string;
            workspace: string;
        • Optionalapprover?: string
        • id: string
        • resumeId: number
        • signature: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            201: string;
        • 201: string

          job canceled

    • post: {
          req: {
              approver?: string;
              id: string;
              requestBody: {
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              resumeId: number;
              signature: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              201: string;
      • req: {
            approver?: string;
            id: string;
            requestBody: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            resumeId: number;
            signature: string;
            workspace: string;
        • Optionalapprover?: string
        • id: string
        • requestBody: {
              [key: string]: unknown;
          • [key: string]: unknown
        • resumeId: number
        • signature: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            201: string;
        • 201: string

          job canceled

  • /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/completed/get/{id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                id: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: CompletedJob;
    • get: {
          req: {
              id: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: CompletedJob;
      • req: {
            id: string;
            workspace: string;
        • id: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: CompletedJob;
  • /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/completed/get_result/{id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                id: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    • get: {
          req: {
              id: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: unknown;
      • req: {
            id: string;
            workspace: string;
        • id: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: unknown;
        • 200: unknown


  • /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/completed/get_result_maybe/{id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                getStarted?: boolean;
                id: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    completed: boolean;
                    result: unknown;
                    started?: boolean;
                    success?: boolean;
    • get: {
          req: {
              getStarted?: boolean;
              id: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  completed: boolean;
                  result: unknown;
                  started?: boolean;
                  success?: boolean;
      • req: {
            getStarted?: boolean;
            id: string;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalgetStarted?: boolean
        • id: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                completed: boolean;
                result: unknown;
                started?: boolean;
                success?: boolean;
        • 200: {
              completed: boolean;
              result: unknown;
              started?: boolean;
              success?: boolean;


          • completed: boolean
          • result: unknown
          • Optionalstarted?: boolean
          • Optionalsuccess?: boolean
  • /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/get/{id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                id: string;
                noLogs?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Job;
    • get: {
          req: {
              id: string;
              noLogs?: boolean;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: Job;
      • req: {
            id: string;
            noLogs?: boolean;
            workspace: string;
        • id: string
        • OptionalnoLogs?: boolean
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: Job;
        • 200: Job

          job details

  • /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/get_flow/{id}/{resume_id}/{signature}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                approver?: string;
                id: string;
                resumeId: number;
                signature: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    approvers: {
                        approver: string;
                        resume_id: number;
                    job: Job;
    • get: {
          req: {
              approver?: string;
              id: string;
              resumeId: number;
              signature: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  approvers: {
                      approver: string;
                      resume_id: number;
                  job: Job;
      • req: {
            approver?: string;
            id: string;
            resumeId: number;
            signature: string;
            workspace: string;
        • Optionalapprover?: string
        • id: string
        • resumeId: number
        • signature: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                approvers: {
                    approver: string;
                    resume_id: number;
                job: Job;
        • 200: {
              approvers: {
                  approver: string;
                  resume_id: number;
              job: Job;

          parent flow details

          • approvers: {
                approver: string;
                resume_id: number;
          • job: Job
  • /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/get_flow_debug_info/{id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                id: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    • get: {
          req: {
              id: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: unknown;
      • req: {
            id: string;
            workspace: string;
        • id: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: unknown;
        • 200: unknown

          flow debug info details

  • /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/get_log_file/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: unknown;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: unknown;
        • 200: unknown

          job log

  • /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/get_logs/{id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                id: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              id: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            id: string;
            workspace: string;
        • id: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          job details

  • /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/get_root_job_id/{id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                id: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              id: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            id: string;
            workspace: string;
        • id: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          get root job id

  • /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/getupdate/{id}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                id: string;
                logOffset?: number;
                running?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    completed?: boolean;
                    flow_status?: WorkflowStatusRecord;
                    log_offset?: number;
                    mem_peak?: number;
                    new_logs?: string;
                    running?: boolean;
    • get: {
          req: {
              id: string;
              logOffset?: number;
              running?: boolean;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  completed?: boolean;
                  flow_status?: WorkflowStatusRecord;
                  log_offset?: number;
                  mem_peak?: number;
                  new_logs?: string;
                  running?: boolean;
      • req: {
            id: string;
            logOffset?: number;
            running?: boolean;
            workspace: string;
        • id: string
        • OptionallogOffset?: number
        • Optionalrunning?: boolean
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                completed?: boolean;
                flow_status?: WorkflowStatusRecord;
                log_offset?: number;
                mem_peak?: number;
                new_logs?: string;
                running?: boolean;
        • 200: {
              completed?: boolean;
              flow_status?: WorkflowStatusRecord;
              log_offset?: number;
              mem_peak?: number;
              new_logs?: string;
              running?: boolean;

          job details

          • Optionalcompleted?: boolean
          • Optionalflow_status?: WorkflowStatusRecord
          • Optionallog_offset?: number
          • Optionalmem_peak?: number
          • Optionalnew_logs?: string
          • Optionalrunning?: boolean
  • /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/queue/cancel/{id}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                id: string;
                requestBody: {
                    reason?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              id: string;
              requestBody: {
                  reason?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            id: string;
            requestBody: {
                reason?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • id: string
        • requestBody: {
              reason?: string;


          • Optionalreason?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          job canceled

  • /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/queue/cancel_persistent/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                requestBody: {
                    reason?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              requestBody: {
                  reason?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            requestBody: {
                reason?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • requestBody: {
              reason?: string;


          • Optionalreason?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          persistent job scaled down to zero

  • /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/queue/force_cancel/{id}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                id: string;
                requestBody: {
                    reason?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              id: string;
              requestBody: {
                  reason?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            id: string;
            requestBody: {
                reason?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • id: string
        • requestBody: {
              reason?: string;


          • Optionalreason?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          job canceled

  • /w/{workspace}/jobs_u/resume/{id}/{resume_id}/{signature}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                approver?: string;
                id: string;
                payload?: string;
                resumeId: number;
                signature: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
        post: {
            req: {
                approver?: string;
                id: string;
                requestBody: {
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                resumeId: number;
                signature: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              approver?: string;
              id: string;
              payload?: string;
              resumeId: number;
              signature: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              201: string;
      • req: {
            approver?: string;
            id: string;
            payload?: string;
            resumeId: number;
            signature: string;
            workspace: string;
        • Optionalapprover?: string
        • id: string
        • Optionalpayload?: string

          The base64 encoded payload that has been encoded as a JSON. e.g how to encode such payload encodeURIComponent encodeURIComponent(btoa(JSON.stringify({a: 2})))

        • resumeId: number
        • signature: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            201: string;
        • 201: string

          job resumed

    • post: {
          req: {
              approver?: string;
              id: string;
              requestBody: {
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              resumeId: number;
              signature: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              201: string;
      • req: {
            approver?: string;
            id: string;
            requestBody: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            resumeId: number;
            signature: string;
            workspace: string;
        • Optionalapprover?: string
        • id: string
        • requestBody: {
              [key: string]: unknown;
          • [key: string]: unknown
        • resumeId: number
        • signature: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            201: string;
        • 201: string

          job resumed

  • /w/{workspace}/oauth/connect_slack_callback: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    code: string;
                    state: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  code: string;
                  state: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                code: string;
                state: string;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: {
              code: string;
              state: string;

          code endpoint

          • code: string
          • state: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          slack token

  • /w/{workspace}/oauth/create_account: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    client: string;
                    expires_in: number;
                    refresh_token?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  client: string;
                  expires_in: number;
                  refresh_token?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                client: string;
                expires_in: number;
                refresh_token?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: {
              client: string;
              expires_in: number;
              refresh_token?: string;

          code endpoint

          • client: string
          • expires_in: number
          • Optionalrefresh_token?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          account set

  • /w/{workspace}/oauth/disconnect/{id}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                id: number;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              id: number;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            id: number;
            workspace: string;
        • id: number
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          disconnected client

  • /w/{workspace}/oauth/disconnect_slack: {
        post: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            workspace: string;
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          disconnected slack

  • /w/{workspace}/oauth/refresh_token/{id}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                id: number;
                requestBody: {
                    path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              id: number;
              requestBody: {
                  path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            id: number;
            requestBody: {
                path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • id: number
        • requestBody: {
              path: string;

          variable path

          • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          token refreshed

  • /w/{workspace}/oidc/token/{audience}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                audience: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              audience: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            audience: string;
            workspace: string;
        • audience: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          new oidc token

  • /w/{workspace}/raw_apps/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    path: string;
                    summary: string;
                    value: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  path: string;
                  summary: string;
                  value: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              201: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                path: string;
                summary: string;
                value: string;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: {
              path: string;
              summary: string;
              value: string;

          new raw app

          • path: string
          • summary: string
          • value: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            201: string;
        • 201: string

          raw app created

  • /w/{workspace}/raw_apps/delete/{path}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • delete: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          app deleted

  • /w/{workspace}/raw_apps/exists/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: boolean;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: boolean;
        • 200: boolean

          app exists

  • /w/{workspace}/raw_apps/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                createdBy?: string;
                orderDesc?: boolean;
                page?: number;
                pathExact?: string;
                pathStart?: string;
                perPage?: number;
                starredOnly?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: ListableRawApp[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              createdBy?: string;
              orderDesc?: boolean;
              page?: number;
              pathExact?: string;
              pathStart?: string;
              perPage?: number;
              starredOnly?: boolean;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: ListableRawApp[];
      • req: {
            createdBy?: string;
            orderDesc?: boolean;
            page?: number;
            pathExact?: string;
            pathStart?: string;
            perPage?: number;
            starredOnly?: boolean;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalcreatedBy?: string

          mask to filter exact matching user creator

        • OptionalorderDesc?: boolean

          order by desc order (default true)

        • Optionalpage?: number

          which page to return (start at 1, default 1)

        • OptionalpathExact?: string

          mask to filter exact matching path

        • OptionalpathStart?: string

          mask to filter matching starting path

        • OptionalperPage?: number

          number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100)

        • OptionalstarredOnly?: boolean

          (default false) show only the starred items

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: ListableRawApp[];
  • /w/{workspace}/raw_apps/update/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                requestBody: {
                    path?: string;
                    summary?: string;
                    value?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              requestBody: {
                  path?: string;
                  summary?: string;
                  value?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            requestBody: {
                path?: string;
                summary?: string;
                value?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • requestBody: {
              path?: string;
              summary?: string;
              value?: string;

          updateraw app

          • Optionalpath?: string
          • Optionalsummary?: string
          • Optionalvalue?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          app updated

  • /w/{workspace}/resources/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: CreateResource;
                updateIfExists?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: CreateResource;
              updateIfExists?: boolean;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              201: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: CreateResource;
            updateIfExists?: boolean;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: CreateResource

          new resource

        • OptionalupdateIfExists?: boolean
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            201: string;
        • 201: string

          resource created

  • /w/{workspace}/resources/delete/{path}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • delete: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          resource deleted

  • /w/{workspace}/resources/exists/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: boolean;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: boolean;
        • 200: boolean

          does resource exists

  • /w/{workspace}/resources/get/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Resource;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: Resource;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: Resource;
  • /w/{workspace}/resources/get_value/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: unknown;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: unknown;
        • 200: unknown

          resource value

  • /w/{workspace}/resources/get_value_interpolated/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                jobId?: string;
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    • get: {
          req: {
              jobId?: string;
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: unknown;
      • req: {
            jobId?: string;
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionaljobId?: string

          job id

        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: unknown;
        • 200: unknown

          resource value

  • /w/{workspace}/resources/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                page?: number;
                perPage?: number;
                resourceType?: string;
                resourceTypeExclude?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: ListableResource[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              page?: number;
              perPage?: number;
              resourceType?: string;
              resourceTypeExclude?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: ListableResource[];
      • req: {
            page?: number;
            perPage?: number;
            resourceType?: string;
            resourceTypeExclude?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • Optionalpage?: number

          which page to return (start at 1, default 1)

        • OptionalperPage?: number

          number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100)

        • OptionalresourceType?: string

          resource_types to list from, separated by ',',

        • OptionalresourceTypeExclude?: string

          resource_types to not list from, separated by ',',

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: ListableResource[];
  • /w/{workspace}/resources/list_names/{name}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                name: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    name: string;
                    path: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              name: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  name: string;
                  path: string;
      • req: {
            name: string;
            workspace: string;
        • name: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                name: string;
                path: string;
        • 200: {
              name: string;
              path: string;

          resource list names

  • /w/{workspace}/resources/list_search: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    path: string;
                    value: unknown;
    • get: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  path: string;
                  value: unknown;
      • req: {
            workspace: string;
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                path: string;
                value: unknown;
        • 200: {
              path: string;
              value: unknown;

          resource list

  • /w/{workspace}/resources/type/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: ResourceType;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: ResourceType;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              201: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: ResourceType;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: ResourceType

          new resource_type

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            201: string;
        • 201: string

          resource_type created

  • /w/{workspace}/resources/type/delete/{path}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • delete: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          resource_type deleted

  • /w/{workspace}/resources/type/exists/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: boolean;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: boolean;
        • 200: boolean

          does resource_type exist

  • /w/{workspace}/resources/type/get/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: ResourceType;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: ResourceType;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: ResourceType;
  • /w/{workspace}/resources/type/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: ResourceType[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: ResourceType[];
      • req: {
            workspace: string;
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: ResourceType[];
  • /w/{workspace}/resources/type/listnames: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string[];
      • req: {
            workspace: string;
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string[];
        • 200: string[]

          resource_type list

  • /w/{workspace}/resources/type/update/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                requestBody: EditResourceType;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              requestBody: EditResourceType;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            requestBody: EditResourceType;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • requestBody: EditResourceType

          updated resource_type

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          resource_type updated

  • /w/{workspace}/resources/update/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                requestBody: EditResource;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              requestBody: EditResource;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            requestBody: EditResource;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • requestBody: EditResource

          updated resource

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          resource updated

  • /w/{workspace}/resources/update_value/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                requestBody: {
                    value?: unknown;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              requestBody: {
                  value?: unknown;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            requestBody: {
                value?: unknown;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • requestBody: {
              value?: unknown;

          updated resource

          • Optionalvalue?: unknown
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          resource value updated

  • /w/{workspace}/schedules/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: NewSchedule;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: NewSchedule;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              201: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: NewSchedule;
            workspace: string;
      • res: {
            201: string;
        • 201: string

          schedule created

  • /w/{workspace}/schedules/delete/{path}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • delete: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          schedule deleted

  • /w/{workspace}/schedules/exists/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: boolean;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: boolean;
        • 200: boolean

          schedule exists

  • /w/{workspace}/schedules/get/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Schedule;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: Schedule;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: Schedule;
  • /w/{workspace}/schedules/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                args?: string;
                isFlow?: boolean;
                page?: number;
                path?: string;
                perPage?: number;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Schedule[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              args?: string;
              isFlow?: boolean;
              page?: number;
              path?: string;
              perPage?: number;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: Schedule[];
      • req: {
            args?: string;
            isFlow?: boolean;
            page?: number;
            path?: string;
            perPage?: number;
            workspace: string;
        • Optionalargs?: string

          filter on jobs containing those args as a json subset (@> in postgres)

        • OptionalisFlow?: boolean
        • Optionalpage?: number

          which page to return (start at 1, default 1)

        • Optionalpath?: string

          filter by path

        • OptionalperPage?: number

          number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100)

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: Schedule[];
  • /w/{workspace}/schedules/list_with_jobs: {
        get: {
            req: {
                page?: number;
                perPage?: number;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: ScheduleWJobs[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              page?: number;
              perPage?: number;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: ScheduleWJobs[];
      • req: {
            page?: number;
            perPage?: number;
            workspace: string;
        • Optionalpage?: number

          which page to return (start at 1, default 1)

        • OptionalperPage?: number

          number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100)

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: ScheduleWJobs[];
  • /w/{workspace}/schedules/setdefaulthandler: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    extra_args?: {
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    handler_type: "error" | "recovery";
                    number_of_occurence?: number;
                    number_of_occurence_exact?: boolean;
                    override_existing: boolean;
                    path?: string;
                    workspace_handler_muted?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: unknown;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  extra_args?: {
                      [key: string]: unknown;
                  handler_type: "error" | "recovery";
                  number_of_occurence?: number;
                  number_of_occurence_exact?: boolean;
                  override_existing: boolean;
                  path?: string;
                  workspace_handler_muted?: boolean;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              201: unknown;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                extra_args?: {
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                handler_type: "error" | "recovery";
                number_of_occurence?: number;
                number_of_occurence_exact?: boolean;
                override_existing: boolean;
                path?: string;
                workspace_handler_muted?: boolean;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: {
              extra_args?: {
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              handler_type: "error" | "recovery";
              number_of_occurence?: number;
              number_of_occurence_exact?: boolean;
              override_existing: boolean;
              path?: string;
              workspace_handler_muted?: boolean;

          Handler description

          • Optionalextra_args?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            • [key: string]: unknown
          • handler_type: "error" | "recovery"
          • Optionalnumber_of_occurence?: number
          • Optionalnumber_of_occurence_exact?: boolean
          • override_existing: boolean
          • Optionalpath?: string
          • Optionalworkspace_handler_muted?: boolean
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            201: unknown;
        • 201: unknown

          default error handler set

  • /w/{workspace}/schedules/setenabled/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                requestBody: {
                    enabled: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              requestBody: {
                  enabled: boolean;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            requestBody: {
                enabled: boolean;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • requestBody: {
              enabled: boolean;

          updated schedule enable

          • enabled: boolean
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          schedule enabled set

  • /w/{workspace}/schedules/update/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                requestBody: EditSchedule;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              requestBody: EditSchedule;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            requestBody: EditSchedule;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • requestBody: EditSchedule

          updated schedule

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          schedule updated

  • /w/{workspace}/scripts/archive/h/{hash}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                hash: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Script;
    • post: {
          req: {
              hash: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: Script;
      • req: {
            hash: string;
            workspace: string;
        • hash: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: Script;
  • /w/{workspace}/scripts/archive/p/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          script archived

  • /w/{workspace}/scripts/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: NewScript;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: NewScript;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              201: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: NewScript;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: NewScript

          Partially filled script

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            201: string;
        • 201: string

          script created

  • /w/{workspace}/scripts/delete/h/{hash}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                hash: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Script;
    • post: {
          req: {
              hash: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: Script;
      • req: {
            hash: string;
            workspace: string;
        • hash: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: Script;
  • /w/{workspace}/scripts/delete/p/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          script path

  • /w/{workspace}/scripts/deployment_status/h/{hash}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                hash: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    lock?: string;
                    lock_error_logs?: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              hash: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  lock?: string;
                  lock_error_logs?: string;
      • req: {
            hash: string;
            workspace: string;
        • hash: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                lock?: string;
                lock_error_logs?: string;
        • 200: {
              lock?: string;
              lock_error_logs?: string;

          script details

          • Optionallock?: string
          • Optionallock_error_logs?: string
  • /w/{workspace}/scripts/exists/p/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: boolean;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: boolean;
        • 200: boolean

          does it exists

  • /w/{workspace}/scripts/get/draft/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: NewScriptWithDraft;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: NewScriptWithDraft;
  • /w/{workspace}/scripts/get/h/{hash}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                hash: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Script;
    • get: {
          req: {
              hash: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: Script;
      • req: {
            hash: string;
            workspace: string;
        • hash: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: Script;
  • /w/{workspace}/scripts/get/p/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Script;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: Script;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: Script;
  • /w/{workspace}/scripts/history/p/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: ScriptHistory[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: ScriptHistory[];
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: ScriptHistory[];
  • /w/{workspace}/scripts/history_update/h/{hash}/p/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                hash: string;
                path: string;
                requestBody: {
                    deployment_msg?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              hash: string;
              path: string;
              requestBody: {
                  deployment_msg?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            hash: string;
            path: string;
            requestBody: {
                deployment_msg?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • hash: string
        • path: string
        • requestBody: {
              deployment_msg?: string;

          Script deployment message

          • Optionaldeployment_msg?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /w/{workspace}/scripts/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                createdBy?: string;
                firstParentHash?: string;
                hideWithoutMain?: boolean;
                isTemplate?: boolean;
                kinds?: string;
                lastParentHash?: string;
                orderDesc?: boolean;
                page?: number;
                parentHash?: string;
                pathExact?: string;
                pathStart?: string;
                perPage?: number;
                showArchived?: boolean;
                starredOnly?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: Script[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              createdBy?: string;
              firstParentHash?: string;
              hideWithoutMain?: boolean;
              isTemplate?: boolean;
              kinds?: string;
              lastParentHash?: string;
              orderDesc?: boolean;
              page?: number;
              parentHash?: string;
              pathExact?: string;
              pathStart?: string;
              perPage?: number;
              showArchived?: boolean;
              starredOnly?: boolean;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: Script[];
      • req: {
            createdBy?: string;
            firstParentHash?: string;
            hideWithoutMain?: boolean;
            isTemplate?: boolean;
            kinds?: string;
            lastParentHash?: string;
            orderDesc?: boolean;
            page?: number;
            parentHash?: string;
            pathExact?: string;
            pathStart?: string;
            perPage?: number;
            showArchived?: boolean;
            starredOnly?: boolean;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalcreatedBy?: string

          mask to filter exact matching user creator

        • OptionalfirstParentHash?: string

          mask to filter scripts whom first direct parent has exact hash

        • OptionalhideWithoutMain?: boolean

          (default false) hide the scripts without an exported main function

        • OptionalisTemplate?: boolean

          (default regardless) if true show only the templates if false show only the non templates if not defined, show all regardless of if the script is a template

        • Optionalkinds?: string

          (default regardless) script kinds to filter, split by comma

        • OptionallastParentHash?: string

          mask to filter scripts whom last parent in the chain has exact hash. Beware that each script stores only a limited number of parents. Hence the last parent hash for a script is not necessarily its top-most parent. To find the top-most parent you will have to jump from last to last hash until finding the parent

        • OptionalorderDesc?: boolean

          order by desc order (default true)

        • Optionalpage?: number

          which page to return (start at 1, default 1)

        • OptionalparentHash?: string

          is the hash present in the array of stored parent hashes for this script. The same warning applies than for last_parent_hash. A script only store a limited number of direct parent

        • OptionalpathExact?: string

          mask to filter exact matching path

        • OptionalpathStart?: string

          mask to filter matching starting path

        • OptionalperPage?: number

          number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100)

        • OptionalshowArchived?: boolean

          (default false) show also the archived files. when multiple archived hash share the same path, only the ones with the latest create_at are ed.

        • OptionalstarredOnly?: boolean

          (default false) show only the starred items

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: Script[];
  • /w/{workspace}/scripts/list_paths: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string[];
      • req: {
            workspace: string;
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string[];
        • 200: string[]

          list of script paths

  • /w/{workspace}/scripts/list_search: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    content: string;
                    path: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  content: string;
                  path: string;
      • req: {
            workspace: string;
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                content: string;
                path: string;
        • 200: {
              content: string;
              path: string;

          script list

  • /w/{workspace}/scripts/raw/h/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          script content

  • /w/{workspace}/scripts/raw/p/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          script content

  • /w/{workspace}/scripts/toggle_workspace_error_handler/p/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                requestBody: {
                    muted?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              requestBody: {
                  muted?: boolean;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            requestBody: {
                muted?: boolean;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • requestBody: {
              muted?: boolean;

          Workspace error handler enabled

          • Optionalmuted?: boolean
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          error handler toggled

  • /w/{workspace}/users/delete/{username}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                username: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • delete: {
          req: {
              username: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            username: string;
            workspace: string;
        • username: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          delete user

  • /w/{workspace}/users/is_owner/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: boolean;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: boolean;
        • 200: boolean

          is owner

  • /w/{workspace}/users/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: User[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: User[];
      • req: {
            workspace: string;
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: User[];
  • /w/{workspace}/users/list_usage: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: UserUsage[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: UserUsage[];
      • req: {
            workspace: string;
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: UserUsage[];
  • /w/{workspace}/users/list_usernames: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string[];
      • req: {
            workspace: string;
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string[];
        • 200: string[]


  • /w/{workspace}/users/update/{username}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: EditWorkspaceUser;
                username: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: EditWorkspaceUser;
              username: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: EditWorkspaceUser;
            username: string;
            workspace: string;
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          edited user

  • /w/{workspace}/users/username_to_email/{username}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                username: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              username: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            username: string;
            workspace: string;
        • username: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /w/{workspace}/users/whoami: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: User;
    • get: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: User;
      • req: {
            workspace: string;
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: User;
  • /w/{workspace}/users/whois/{username}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                username: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: User;
    • get: {
          req: {
              username: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: User;
      • req: {
            username: string;
            workspace: string;
        • username: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: User;
  • /w/{workspace}/users/{username}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                username: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: User;
    • get: {
          req: {
              username: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: User;
      • req: {
            username: string;
            workspace: string;
        • username: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: User;
        • 200: User

          user created

  • /w/{workspace}/variables/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                alreadyEncrypted?: boolean;
                requestBody: CreateVariable;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                201: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              alreadyEncrypted?: boolean;
              requestBody: CreateVariable;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              201: string;
      • req: {
            alreadyEncrypted?: boolean;
            requestBody: CreateVariable;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalalreadyEncrypted?: boolean
        • requestBody: CreateVariable

          new variable

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            201: string;
        • 201: string

          variable created

  • /w/{workspace}/variables/delete/{path}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • delete: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          variable deleted

  • /w/{workspace}/variables/encrypt: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: string;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: string

          new variable

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          encrypted value

  • /w/{workspace}/variables/exists/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: boolean;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: boolean;
        • 200: boolean


  • /w/{workspace}/variables/get/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                decryptSecret?: boolean;
                includeEncrypted?: boolean;
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: ListableVariable;
    • get: {
          req: {
              decryptSecret?: boolean;
              includeEncrypted?: boolean;
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: ListableVariable;
      • req: {
            decryptSecret?: boolean;
            includeEncrypted?: boolean;
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionaldecryptSecret?: boolean

          ask to decrypt secret if this variable is secret (if not secret no effect, default: true)

        • OptionalincludeEncrypted?: boolean

          ask to include the encrypted value if secret and decrypt secret is not true (default: false)

        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: ListableVariable;
  • /w/{workspace}/variables/get_value/{path}: {
        get: {
            req: {
                path: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              path: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            path: string;
            workspace: string;
        • path: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /w/{workspace}/variables/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: ListableVariable[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: ListableVariable[];
  • /w/{workspace}/variables/list_contextual: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: ContextualVariable[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: ContextualVariable[];
  • /w/{workspace}/variables/update/{path}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                alreadyEncrypted?: boolean;
                path: string;
                requestBody: EditVariable;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              alreadyEncrypted?: boolean;
              path: string;
              requestBody: EditVariable;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            alreadyEncrypted?: boolean;
            path: string;
            requestBody: EditVariable;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalalreadyEncrypted?: boolean
        • path: string
        • requestBody: EditVariable

          updated variable

        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string

          variable updated

  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/add_user: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    email: string;
                    is_admin: boolean;
                    operator: boolean;
                    username?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  email: string;
                  is_admin: boolean;
                  operator: boolean;
                  username?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                email: string;
                is_admin: boolean;
                operator: boolean;
                username?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: {
              email: string;
              is_admin: boolean;
              operator: boolean;
              username?: string;


          • email: string
          • is_admin: boolean
          • operator: boolean
          • Optionalusername?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/archive: {
        post: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            workspace: string;
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/change_workspace_id: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody?: {
                    new_id?: string;
                    new_name?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody?: {
                  new_id?: string;
                  new_name?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody?: {
                new_id?: string;
                new_name?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalrequestBody?: {
              new_id?: string;
              new_name?: string;
          • Optionalnew_id?: string
          • Optionalnew_name?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/change_workspace_name: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody?: {
                    new_name?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody?: {
                  new_name?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody?: {
                new_name?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • OptionalrequestBody?: {
              new_name?: string;
          • Optionalnew_name?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/default_app: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    default_app_path?: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  default_app_path?: string;
      • req: {
            workspace: string;
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                default_app_path?: string;
        • 200: {
              default_app_path?: string;


          • Optionaldefault_app_path?: string
  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/default_scripts: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: WorkspaceDefaultScripts;
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody?: WorkspaceDefaultScripts;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/delete_invite: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    email: string;
                    is_admin: boolean;
                    operator: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  email: string;
                  is_admin: boolean;
                  operator: boolean;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                email: string;
                is_admin: boolean;
                operator: boolean;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: {
              email: string;
              is_admin: boolean;
              operator: boolean;


          • email: string
          • is_admin: boolean
          • operator: boolean
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/edit_auto_invite: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    auto_add?: boolean;
                    invite_all?: boolean;
                    operator?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  auto_add?: boolean;
                  invite_all?: boolean;
                  operator?: boolean;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                auto_add?: boolean;
                invite_all?: boolean;
                operator?: boolean;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: {
              auto_add?: boolean;
              invite_all?: boolean;
              operator?: boolean;


          • Optionalauto_add?: boolean
          • Optionalinvite_all?: boolean
          • Optionaloperator?: boolean
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/edit_copilot_config: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    code_completion_enabled: boolean;
                    openai_resource_path?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  code_completion_enabled: boolean;
                  openai_resource_path?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                code_completion_enabled: boolean;
                openai_resource_path?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: {
              code_completion_enabled: boolean;
              openai_resource_path?: string;


          • code_completion_enabled: boolean
          • Optionalopenai_resource_path?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/edit_default_app: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    default_app_path?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  default_app_path?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                default_app_path?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: {
              default_app_path?: string;

          Workspace default app

          • Optionaldefault_app_path?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/edit_deploy_to: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    deploy_to?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  deploy_to?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                deploy_to?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: {
              deploy_to?: string;
          • Optionaldeploy_to?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/edit_error_handler: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    error_handler?: string;
                    error_handler_extra_args?: ScriptArgs;
                    error_handler_muted_on_cancel?: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  error_handler?: string;
                  error_handler_extra_args?: ScriptArgs;
                  error_handler_muted_on_cancel?: boolean;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                error_handler?: string;
                error_handler_extra_args?: ScriptArgs;
                error_handler_muted_on_cancel?: boolean;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: {
              error_handler?: string;
              error_handler_extra_args?: ScriptArgs;
              error_handler_muted_on_cancel?: boolean;


          • Optionalerror_handler?: string
          • Optionalerror_handler_extra_args?: ScriptArgs
          • Optionalerror_handler_muted_on_cancel?: boolean
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/edit_git_sync_config: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    git_sync_settings?: WorkspaceGitSyncSettings;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  git_sync_settings?: WorkspaceGitSyncSettings;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: unknown;
  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/edit_large_file_storage_config: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    large_file_storage?: LargeFileStorage;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: unknown;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  large_file_storage?: LargeFileStorage;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: unknown;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                large_file_storage?: LargeFileStorage;
            workspace: string;
      • res: {
            200: unknown;
        • 200: unknown


  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/edit_slack_command: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    slack_command_script?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  slack_command_script?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                slack_command_script?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: {
              slack_command_script?: string;


          • Optionalslack_command_script?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/edit_webhook: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    webhook?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  webhook?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                webhook?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: {
              webhook?: string;


          • Optionalwebhook?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/encryption_key: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    key: string;
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    new_key: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  key: string;
      • req: {
            workspace: string;
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                key: string;
        • 200: {
              key: string;


          • key: string
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  new_key: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                new_key: string;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: {
              new_key: string;

          New encryption key

          • new_key: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/get_copilot_info: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    code_completion_enabled: boolean;
                    exists_openai_resource_path: boolean;
    • get: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  code_completion_enabled: boolean;
                  exists_openai_resource_path: boolean;
      • req: {
            workspace: string;
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                code_completion_enabled: boolean;
                exists_openai_resource_path: boolean;
        • 200: {
              code_completion_enabled: boolean;
              exists_openai_resource_path: boolean;


          • code_completion_enabled: boolean
          • exists_openai_resource_path: boolean
  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/get_deploy_to: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    deploy_to?: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  deploy_to?: string;
      • req: {
            workspace: string;
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                deploy_to?: string;
        • 200: {
              deploy_to?: string;


          • Optionaldeploy_to?: string
  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/get_large_file_storage_config: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: LargeFileStorage;
    • get: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: LargeFileStorage;
  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/get_settings: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    auto_add?: boolean;
                    auto_invite_domain?: string;
                    auto_invite_operator?: boolean;
                    automatic_billing: boolean;
                    code_completion_enabled: boolean;
                    customer_id?: string;
                    default_app?: string;
                    default_scripts?: WorkspaceDefaultScripts;
                    deploy_to?: string;
                    error_handler?: string;
                    error_handler_extra_args?: ScriptArgs;
                    error_handler_muted_on_cancel: boolean;
                    git_sync?: WorkspaceGitSyncSettings;
                    large_file_storage?: LargeFileStorage;
                    openai_resource_path?: string;
                    plan?: string;
                    slack_command_script?: string;
                    slack_name?: string;
                    slack_team_id?: string;
                    webhook?: string;
                    workspace_id?: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  auto_add?: boolean;
                  auto_invite_domain?: string;
                  auto_invite_operator?: boolean;
                  automatic_billing: boolean;
                  code_completion_enabled: boolean;
                  customer_id?: string;
                  default_app?: string;
                  default_scripts?: WorkspaceDefaultScripts;
                  deploy_to?: string;
                  error_handler?: string;
                  error_handler_extra_args?: ScriptArgs;
                  error_handler_muted_on_cancel: boolean;
                  git_sync?: WorkspaceGitSyncSettings;
                  large_file_storage?: LargeFileStorage;
                  openai_resource_path?: string;
                  plan?: string;
                  slack_command_script?: string;
                  slack_name?: string;
                  slack_team_id?: string;
                  webhook?: string;
                  workspace_id?: string;
      • req: {
            workspace: string;
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                auto_add?: boolean;
                auto_invite_domain?: string;
                auto_invite_operator?: boolean;
                automatic_billing: boolean;
                code_completion_enabled: boolean;
                customer_id?: string;
                default_app?: string;
                default_scripts?: WorkspaceDefaultScripts;
                deploy_to?: string;
                error_handler?: string;
                error_handler_extra_args?: ScriptArgs;
                error_handler_muted_on_cancel: boolean;
                git_sync?: WorkspaceGitSyncSettings;
                large_file_storage?: LargeFileStorage;
                openai_resource_path?: string;
                plan?: string;
                slack_command_script?: string;
                slack_name?: string;
                slack_team_id?: string;
                webhook?: string;
                workspace_id?: string;
        • 200: {
              auto_add?: boolean;
              auto_invite_domain?: string;
              auto_invite_operator?: boolean;
              automatic_billing: boolean;
              code_completion_enabled: boolean;
              customer_id?: string;
              default_app?: string;
              default_scripts?: WorkspaceDefaultScripts;
              deploy_to?: string;
              error_handler?: string;
              error_handler_extra_args?: ScriptArgs;
              error_handler_muted_on_cancel: boolean;
              git_sync?: WorkspaceGitSyncSettings;
              large_file_storage?: LargeFileStorage;
              openai_resource_path?: string;
              plan?: string;
              slack_command_script?: string;
              slack_name?: string;
              slack_team_id?: string;
              webhook?: string;
              workspace_id?: string;


          • Optionalauto_add?: boolean
          • Optionalauto_invite_domain?: string
          • Optionalauto_invite_operator?: boolean
          • automatic_billing: boolean
          • code_completion_enabled: boolean
          • Optionalcustomer_id?: string
          • Optionaldefault_app?: string
          • Optionaldefault_scripts?: WorkspaceDefaultScripts
          • Optionaldeploy_to?: string
          • Optionalerror_handler?: string
          • Optionalerror_handler_extra_args?: ScriptArgs
          • error_handler_muted_on_cancel: boolean
          • Optionalgit_sync?: WorkspaceGitSyncSettings
          • Optionallarge_file_storage?: LargeFileStorage
          • Optionalopenai_resource_path?: string
          • Optionalplan?: string
          • Optionalslack_command_script?: string
          • Optionalslack_name?: string
          • Optionalslack_team_id?: string
          • Optionalwebhook?: string
          • Optionalworkspace_id?: string
  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/get_workspace_name: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • get: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            workspace: string;
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/invite_user: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    email: string;
                    is_admin: boolean;
                    operator: boolean;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  email: string;
                  is_admin: boolean;
                  operator: boolean;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                email: string;
                is_admin: boolean;
                operator: boolean;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: {
              email: string;
              is_admin: boolean;
              operator: boolean;


          • email: string
          • is_admin: boolean
          • operator: boolean
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/is_premium: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    • get: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: boolean;
      • req: {
            workspace: string;
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: boolean;
        • 200: boolean


  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/leave: {
        post: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            workspace: string;
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/list_pending_invites: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: WorkspaceInvite[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: WorkspaceInvite[];
  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/premium_info: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    automatic_billing: boolean;
                    premium: boolean;
                    seats?: number;
                    usage?: number;
    • get: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  automatic_billing: boolean;
                  premium: boolean;
                  seats?: number;
                  usage?: number;
      • req: {
            workspace: string;
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                automatic_billing: boolean;
                premium: boolean;
                seats?: number;
                usage?: number;
        • 200: {
              automatic_billing: boolean;
              premium: boolean;
              seats?: number;
              usage?: number;


          • automatic_billing: boolean
          • premium: boolean
          • Optionalseats?: number
          • Optionalusage?: number
  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/run_slack_message_test_job: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    channel?: string;
                    hub_script_path?: string;
                    test_msg?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: {
                    job_uuid?: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  channel?: string;
                  hub_script_path?: string;
                  test_msg?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: {
                  job_uuid?: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                channel?: string;
                hub_script_path?: string;
                test_msg?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: {
              channel?: string;
              hub_script_path?: string;
              test_msg?: string;

          path to hub script to run and its corresponding args

          • Optionalchannel?: string
          • Optionalhub_script_path?: string
          • Optionaltest_msg?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: {
                job_uuid?: string;
        • 200: {
              job_uuid?: string;


          • Optionaljob_uuid?: string
  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/set_automatic_billing: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    automatic_billing: boolean;
                    seats?: number;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  automatic_billing: boolean;
                  seats?: number;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                automatic_billing: boolean;
                seats?: number;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: {
              automatic_billing: boolean;
              seats?: number;

          automatic billing

          • automatic_billing: boolean
          • Optionalseats?: number
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/set_environment_variable: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    name: string;
                    value?: string;
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  name: string;
                  value?: string;
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                name: string;
                value?: string;
            workspace: string;
        • requestBody: {
              name: string;
              value?: string;

          Workspace default app

          • name: string
          • Optionalvalue?: string
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /w/{workspace}/workspaces/usage: {
        get: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: number;
    • get: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: number;
      • req: {
            workspace: string;
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: number;
        • 200: number


  • /workers/custom_tags: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: string[];
    • get: {
          res: {
              200: string[];
      • res: {
            200: string[];
        • 200: string[]

          list of custom tags

  • /workers/exists_worker_with_tag: {
        get: {
            req: {
                tag: string;
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    • get: {
          req: {
              tag: string;
          res: {
              200: boolean;
      • req: {
            tag: string;
        • tag: string
      • res: {
            200: boolean;
        • 200: boolean

          whether a worker with the tag exists

  • /workers/get_default_tags: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: string[];
    • get: {
          res: {
              200: string[];
      • res: {
            200: string[];
        • 200: string[]

          list of default tags

  • /workers/is_default_tags_per_workspace: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    • get: {
          res: {
              200: boolean;
      • res: {
            200: boolean;
        • 200: boolean

          is the default tags per workspace

  • /workers/list: {
        get: {
            req: {
                page?: number;
                perPage?: number;
                pingSince?: number;
            res: {
                200: WorkerPing[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              page?: number;
              perPage?: number;
              pingSince?: number;
          res: {
              200: WorkerPing[];
      • req: {
            page?: number;
            perPage?: number;
            pingSince?: number;
        • Optionalpage?: number

          which page to return (start at 1, default 1)

        • OptionalperPage?: number

          number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100)

        • OptionalpingSince?: number

          number of seconds the worker must have had a last ping more recent of (default to 300)

      • res: {
            200: WorkerPing[];
  • /workers/queue_metrics: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: {
                    id: string;
                    values: {
                        created_at: string;
                        value: number;
    • get: {
          res: {
              200: {
                  id: string;
                  values: {
                      created_at: string;
                      value: number;
      • res: {
            200: {
                id: string;
                values: {
                    created_at: string;
                    value: number;
        • 200: {
              id: string;
              values: {
                  created_at: string;
                  value: number;


  • /workspaces/allowed_domain_auto_invite: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    • get: {
          res: {
              200: boolean;
      • res: {
            200: boolean;
        • 200: boolean

          domain allowed or not

  • /workspaces/create: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: CreateWorkspace;
            res: {
                201: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: CreateWorkspace;
          res: {
              201: string;
  • /workspaces/delete/{workspace}: {
        delete: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • delete: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            workspace: string;
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /workspaces/exists: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    id: string;
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  id: string;
          res: {
              200: boolean;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                id: string;
        • requestBody: {
              id: string;

          id of workspace

          • id: string
      • res: {
            200: boolean;
        • 200: boolean


  • /workspaces/exists_username: {
        post: {
            req: {
                requestBody: {
                    id: string;
                    username: string;
            res: {
                200: boolean;
    • post: {
          req: {
              requestBody: {
                  id: string;
                  username: string;
          res: {
              200: boolean;
      • req: {
            requestBody: {
                id: string;
                username: string;
        • requestBody: {
              id: string;
              username: string;
          • id: string
          • username: string
      • res: {
            200: boolean;
        • 200: boolean


  • /workspaces/list: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: Workspace[];
  • /workspaces/list_as_superadmin: {
        get: {
            req: {
                page?: number;
                perPage?: number;
            res: {
                200: Workspace[];
    • get: {
          req: {
              page?: number;
              perPage?: number;
          res: {
              200: Workspace[];
      • req: {
            page?: number;
            perPage?: number;
        • Optionalpage?: number

          which page to return (start at 1, default 1)

        • OptionalperPage?: number

          number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100)

      • res: {
            200: Workspace[];
  • /workspaces/unarchive/{workspace}: {
        post: {
            req: {
                workspace: string;
            res: {
                200: string;
    • post: {
          req: {
              workspace: string;
          res: {
              200: string;
      • req: {
            workspace: string;
        • workspace: string
      • res: {
            200: string;
        • 200: string


  • /workspaces/users: {
        get: {
            res: {
                200: UserWorkspaceList;